A woman with her hands painted blood-red confronted Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the US Congress Wednesday, shouting "war criminal" before being hauled away by Capitol security.
Desiree Farooz accosted Rice ahead of her appearance at a House of Representatives hearing on US foreign policy, waving her hands just centimeters (inches) from the diplomat's face inside the committee meeting room as television cameras captured the confrontation.
"The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands," Farooz shouted, before police wrestled her away.
Several other people, members of the anti-war activist group Code Pink, were subsequently ejected from the room.
When are the grownups going to show for these debates. I mean childish behavior and street theatre went out in the 70's. Now it's just embarrassing, especially when a grown woman who wants to be den mother for a bunch of Code Pink losers (via Classical Values)decides to confront a member of the administration with fake blood and lies. Desiree's hubby ain't too happy about her living arrangements, in fact Mohammed is "not happy". Damned women won't stay in their place.
If you really want to sink your teeth into what the wacko left is thinking go to Randi Rhodes site and read what they're saying. It is a hoot. Watch your step though, Bloody Mary may trip you up.