GOP Hopefuls Generally Agree on Iraq
Republican presidential contenders sparred over abortion on Sunday butI beg to differ. Let's just discuss one war, WWII. Evil is a weed that must be destroyed all the way to its deepest root. To ignore evil is to acquiesce in evil.
generally agreed the United States must remain in Iraq as part of the war on
"Just come home," countered Texas Rep. Ron Paul, the lone dissenter
on a debate stage when it came to Iraq. He said there had never been a good
reason to go to war in the first place.
"Has he forgotten about 9/11?" interjected former Massachusetts
Gov. Mitt Romney.
To not help people that are being slaughtered, tortured and held in political bondage is an evil. An unthinkable evil that stuns me coming from Americans who have enjoyed so much freedom and now have become so selfish as to not help others.
Selfishness becomes stupidity for those unwilling to defend themselves, especially those who close their eyes and deny even the necessity.