Murtha, the ham fisted thug from Pennsylvania, continues his duty to his dominatrix by lashing out at her critics with threats allowing her highness to remain aloof. Of course not as aloof as a nice big jet would make her, but things gonna change once he has himself a hearing.
Appropriations subcommittee on Defense Chairman John Murtha (D-Pa.), who lobbied the Pentagon for a larger plane, announced that he planned to hold hearings on the use of military aircraft for executive branch and Congressional travel over the past two fiscal years. Murtha predicted that despite the flap, Pelosi would end up with a plane capable of making the coast-to-coast trip.
“I would predict she would” get a larger plane, he said Thursday. “I’m seldom wrong on these kinds of things.”
Watch out you Republicans and you toy soldiers over at the Pentagon, Jack "the Bad Mother" Murtha is talking at you!
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