Another Hillary Plant Sneaks In Under the MSM Radar
As wily and wary as we have come to know the media to be, the many members of Team Clinton just keep out-Foxing them (apologies for the mention of the Hellish network).

In a great many of the media's post-game analyses of the Thursday, December 6th Mitt Romney religion speech, including that of the Associated Press, we are treated to the negative reactions thereto of one Costas Panagopoulos, who is rightly (if only partially) identified as "a political science professor at Fordham University".
Go read the rest. I have also listed below a list of Dr Panagopoulos' history. Unfortunately, besides switching sides, the good Doctor's expertise appears to be in the classroom, boardroom and the newsroom, but not where it matters, in the voter's minds:
Dr. Costas Panagopoulos was a candidate for the Massachusetts State Legislature in 1992.
His list of expertise, outside of being a Hillary plant, is long:
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Director of the Center for Electoral Politics and Democracy and the graduate program in Elections and Campaign Management at Fordham University.
Research associate at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies at Yale University
Founded and directed the Master’s Program in Political Campaign Management in the Department of Politics at New York University
Leading expert on campaigns and elections, voting behavior, public opinion, and campaign finance
Decision Desk team at NBC News during the 2006 election cycle
Offers courses on campaign management and strategy, message development, and political communication.
American Political Science Association as a Congressional Fellow during 2004-2005
Office of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)
Visiting Research Scholar at the Institute for Politics, the Internet and Democracy at the Graduate School for Political Management at George Washington University
Research Fellow at the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University, both in Washington, DC.
Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy at Columbia University
Scholar-in-Residence in the Department of Government at American University
Yaught in the Political Science departments at New York University, Fordham University, New School University, SUNY, Yeshiva University, and Pace University.
President/CEO of XVOTES, a New York-based political strategy firm
Elected President of the American Association of Political Consultants’ Mid-Atlantic chapter in 2003
Developed expertise in international political consulting
Consultant in the Electoral Assistance Division at the United Nations
Developed professional specializations in the marketing, media and public relations industries
Worked for top domestic and international clients—including the United Nations Association—as a member of the Public Affairs and Crisis Management units at Burson-Marsteller, the world’s largest public relations firm
Adweek magazine as Features Editor to analyze the political advertising of the 1996 presidential campaign
Hearst, Conde Nast, and Miramax where he developed additional expertise in marketing.
Undergraduate degree in Government, magna cum laude, from Harvard University
Doctoral degree in Politics from New York University
Authored several scholarly works that have published in Public Opinion Quarterly, Presidential Studies Quarterly, PS: Political Science and Politics, Women & Politics, the Journal of Political Marketing, and Social Science Computer Review
Contributing Editor to Campaigns & Elections magazine
Senior Editor of the Journal of Political Marketing
Political analysis and commentary for various print and broadcast media outlets including: The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, New York Sun, Guardian, Village Voice, Newsday, CNN, CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Inside Edition, BusinessWeek TV, Fox News and BBC Television.
Oh, as a candidate for the 17th District, Middlesex, Massachusetts State Legislature in 1992, Dr. Panagopoulos ran as a Republican. The 17th district, which includes Lowell, has a sizable Greek community which Dr. Panagopoulos presumably was a member.
[D] Cox, John F. – 11,269
[R] Panagopoulos, Costas – 6,896
[ ] Left blank on ballot – 821
[O] Write-in - 0
Campaign as he tells you, not as he did.