An Iraqi woman celebrates after hearing news about the execution of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, while she holds a picture of her son, a victim of the Saddam regime. AP Photo
Saddam hanged for male growth!! Cheaper than drugs...
Whatever evil Saddam Hussein did, his trial and soon-to-occur executionwere
and are a farce, both of which have been timed for maximum domesticpolitical
effect here, not in Iraq.
The trial verdict was timed for the November
election and the hanging istimed so Bush can brag — yes, brag — about it at the
State of theUnion address.I am sure Bush imagines his ____ will grow an inch longer once he has seen to Saddam Hussein’s hanging. Boy, is he ever in for a surprise.
BTW, have you ever noticed how much Bush has adopted the
bow-legged walkof actual cowboys? That’s pretty hilarious since Bush is AFRAID
to getup on, much less ride, a horse.Bush is a wuss, a wimp, and a scaredy cat.
What a loser.
I am sure Bush thinks that whoever masterminds the most deaths wins the macho award.
That’s what irritates him so much about Saddam Hussein, who also killeda lot of people. Bush has to hurry to catch up.
For a group of "carers" who love the "Religion of Peace" they sure hate a lot and think most of the world's people are too stupid to think for themselves. The little brown people are 3/5s of a human because they are Bush's slaves.