Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year?

This is what the Progressive movement has been working to accomplish for years. 2013 is probably the best opportunity they have ever had outside of El Duce Woody Wilson' reign, the total racist of the left, to accomplish what they want.

NYT Op-ed: “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution”

Progressives have destroyed every government of which they have taken control. They may be the destroyer of freedom in the first country to bring freedom to the world.

Happy New Year and good luck.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Massacres Since 1900

April–May 1909
In April 1909, a religious-ethnic clash in the city of Adana, amidst governmental upheaval, resulted in a series of anti-Armenian pogroms throughout the district, resulting in an estimated 15,000 to 30,000 deaths.[123][124][125][126][127]
January 1923
Rosewood, Florida, United States
Several days of violence by white mobs, ranging in size up to 400 people, resulted in the deaths of six blacks and two whites and the destruction of the town of Rosewood, which was abandoned after the incident.[136]
February 14, 1929
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Al Capone's gang shot rival gang members and their associates.[138]
August 1933
Arabs and Kurds killed 3,000 Assyrian men women and children.[146] The massacre amongst other things included rape, cars running over children and bayoneting pregnant women and children.[146]
March 26, 1942
Lari near NairobiKenya
About 150 Kikuyu were killed by fellow tribesmen.[170][171]
August 1, 1966
Austin, Texas, United States
University of Texas was the site of a massacre by Charles Whitman, who killed his mother and wife at their homes before killing 14 and wounding 32 others at the University atop the university tower before the police killed him.
November 18, 1978
[[A religious cult originally based in San Francisco flees to a jungle clearing in Guyana South America to avoid "persecution", and then stages a mass-murder-suicide event via drinking poison mixed into grape-flavored Kool-aid after killing American Congressional and news media visitors who arrive to inspect the area.
July 18, 1984
San Diego, California, United States
Gunman James Oliver Huberty killed 21 people in a McDonald's restaurant before being fatally shot by a SWAT team sniper.[285][286][287]
August 19, 1987
A gunman armed with semi-automatic rifles and a handgun killed 16 people before committing suicide.[299]
December 6, 1989
Marc Lépine, claiming to fight feminism, shot and killed 14 female students of the École Polytechnique de Montréal and wounded 14 other people before turning his gun on himself. The event led to stricter gun control laws[307] and changes in police tactical response to shootings in Canada.[308]
November 13, 1990
Lone gunman David Malcolm Gray began shooting indiscriminately at people, killing 13 people before being killed by police himself, allegedly after a dispute with his next door neighbor. It remains New Zealands deadliest criminal shooting.[317][318][319][320]
October 16, 1991
Killeen, Texas, United States
George Jo Hennard drove his pickup truck into a Luby's Cafeteria and shot and killed 22 people, wounded another 20 and then committed suicide by shooting himself.[321][322][323][324][325]
January 8, 1993
Palatine, Illinois, United States
Seven people were murdered at the Brown's Chicken and Pasta in Palatine[337]
April 19, 1993
Waco, Texas, United States
Seventy-six members of the Branch Davidian church died after a 51 day siege in a fire started either accidentally or by church members after a Federal Bureau of Investigation tank attack upon the main building. Earlier, on on February 28, 1993, six others died by gunfire after the original Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raid.[338]
February 25, 1994
Baruch Goldstein opens fire with an assault rifle killing 29 Muslims and wounding 150 at prayer in the Ibrahimi Mosque before being subdued and beaten to death.[355][356]
March 28, 1994
Security guards of the African National Congress (ANC) fired on 20,000 Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) marchers.[363][364][365]
June 18, 1994
Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) opened fire in a crowded bar using assault rifles, killing six civilians and wounding five.[366][367][368][369][370][371][372]
January 22, 1995
First suicide attack by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, killing 22 and wounding 69. Carried out by two bombers; the second waited until emergency crews arrived to assist the wounded and dying before detonating his bomb.[374][375][376][377]
March 13, 1996
A gunman opened fire in a primary school, killing sixteen children and one teacher before killing himself.[381][382][383]
April 29, 1996
The Port Arthur massacre of 28 April 1996 was a killing spree which claimed the lives of 35 people and wounded 21 others mainly at the historic tourist site Port Arthur in south-eastern Tasmania, Australia. The massacre remains Australia's deadliest mass killing spree and remains one of the deadliest such incidents worldwide in recent times.[385]
March 26, 1997
A UFO religious cult called "Heaven's Gate" becomes convinced that an alien spaceship is following the Hale-Bop Comet as it passes close to Earth, and the spaceship is here to pick up ("rescue") the souls of the cult if they die while the comet and spaceship are close enough for their souls to make the difficult spiritual journey to the ship. Some members volunteer to be "humanely" murdered while others commit suicide.
April 20, 1999
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Two teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold open fire on their classmates on April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School, killing 12 students and one teacher before committing suicide.
July, 1999
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Brokerage massacre
A gunman killed nine people at two brokerages in Atlanta, after apparently killing his wife and two children. He committed suicide five hours later.
June 2001
Royal family massacre
Eight members of the Nepalese Royal family were killed in a palace massacre by Crown Prince Dipendra who later turned a gun on himself and died few days later. His youngest brother also died later raising the death toll to 10.
April 26, 2002
Erfurt, eastern Germany
Gutenberg Gymnasium massacre
In Erfurt, eastern Germany, 19-year-old Robert Steinhauser opened fire after saying he was not going to take a math test. He killed 12 teachers, a secretary, two pupils and a policeman at the Gutenberg Gymnasium, before killing himself.

October, 2002
Washington DC area
Sniper terror
John Muhammad and Lee Malvo killed 10 people in sniper-style shooting deaths that terrorized the Washington, D.C., area.

March 5, 2005
near RehobothNamibia
Brothers Sylvester and Gavin Beukes murder the owners' couple of farm Kareeboomvloer and execute all witnesses, including two children.[431] The motive was revenge for a previous theft charge laid by the farm owner.[432]
March 25, 2006
Seattle, Washington, United States
28-year-old Kyle Aaron Huff entered a rave afterparty in the southeast part of Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood and opened fire, killing six and wounding two, before committing suicide.[435][citation needed]
April 16, 2007
Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Gunman Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded many others[436] before committing suicide. The massacre is the deadliest peacetime shooting incident by a single gunman in United States history, on or off a school campus.[437]
November 2, 2007
Near Helsinki, Finland
Jokela High School massacre
Pekka-Eric Auvinen killed six fellow students, the school nurse, the principal and himself with a handgun.
September 23, 2008
Kauhajoki in northwest Finland
Vocational school massacre
Student Matti Saari opened fire in a vocational school in Kauhajoki in northwest Finland, killing nine other students and one male staff member before killing himself.
March 11, 2009
Near Stuttgart, Germany
School massacre
A 17-year-old gunman dressed in combat gear killed nine students and three teachers at a school near Stuttgart. He also killed one other person at a nearby clinic. He was later killed in a shoot-out with police. Two additional passers-by were killed and two policemen seriously injured, bringing the death toll to 16 including the gunman.
November 5, 2009
Fort Hood Massacre
(Fort Hood shooting)
Gunman Malik Nadal Hasan, a Major in the U.S. Army, killed 12 soldiers and one civilian, and wounded at least 30 on the base at Ft. Hood. Initial reports indicate Hassan was upset at being deployed to Iraq.[439][440][441][442][443][444]
June 2, 2010
Cumbria County, Britain
Town massacre
Gunman Derrick Bird opened fire on people in towns across the rural county of Cumbria. Twelve people were killed and 11 injured. Bird also killed himself.
January 8, 2011
One man, Jared Lee Loughner, attacked a group of people outside a supermarket in Tucson, Arizona. His intent was to kill U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords only, but he ended up killing 6 and wounding 19 – though grievously wounded (and despite initial reports to the contrary), Giffords herself survived. Those killed in the incident included United States District Court for the District of Arizona Chief Judge John Roll and one of Gifford's staffers.[450]
April 9, 2011
Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
Ridderhof Mall massacre
Tristan van der Vlis opened fire in the Ridderhof mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, south of Amsterdam, killing six before turning the gun on himself.
July 22, 2011
One man, Anders Behring Breivik, went to the island of Utøya on July 22, 2011, right after the devastating bomb in Oslo. Wearing a fake police uniform, he shot and killed 69 youths at the annual labour youth party, and injured several more. It is still unknown how long the massacre lasted. According to police logs, it took an hour from the first calls until the response team arrested him. The defenseless people had nowhere to run. Many tried to swim away from the island to shore, some made it, and some did not.[451]
December 13, 2011
Liege, Belgium
Central Square massacre
Gunman Nordine Armani killed three people, including a 17-month-old toddler, wounding 121 in a central square in the eastern city of Liege, before shooting himself. The next day Belgian investigators found the body of a woman in warehouse used by the gunman raising the death toll, including the killer, to five.
May 25, 2012
Approximately 108 people were killed with knives in the Syrian town of Houla. Approximately 49 children, 34 women and another 25 men were among the victims.[457]
July 20, 2012
Aurora, Colorado, United States
Colorado Movie Theater Massacre
(2012 Aurora shooting)
Twelve people were killed and 58 others were injured when a gunman opened fire in a crowded movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during the midnight premier of The Dark Knight Rises film. A 24 year old male, James Holmes, was arrested and charged with the killings.[458]
December 14, 2012
Twenty children and six adults, including the perpetrator, were killed in a shooting attack at a primary school in the US state of Connecticut.[459]

This list does not contain government sanctioned massacres.