Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Besides Bill Gates, Who Isn't Down & Out In Obama's Economy?

I once had my son do what he thought a simple (and stupid) project. One evening I gave him a new notebook of paper and some pencils. I explained that the next morning I would awaken him and he was to start filling the pages with things that he saw that were taxed.

Down and Out on $250,000 a Year

The next morning, as promised, I woke him up, but I brought him some juice and cereal. I told him to enjoy his breakfast before he started logging in taxed objects.
As I left for work he had filled out two pages. By the end of the day he was tired, cranky and had a look that said, "Don't say I told you so." He had run out of pages, but he looked at me and said, "I know of something not taxed!
"The AIR!"
I handed him a copy of the EPA's rules, regulations and cost to the taxpayer and went and made a strong drink.
I didn't know if I had created a thoughtful conservative or a child hellbent on a life of crime. He's not in jail. Yet.