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Berkeley may pass resolution honoring Army private who gave classified docs to Wikileaks
Bob, who like to wear a lot of peace symbols and buttons, now want to honor Bradley Manning who has stated he leaked secret documents to WeakiLeaks. That Bob, what a
Bob Meola is Chairperson of the Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission and a registered Green. He is also a member of the Courage to Resist Organizing Collective, a member of the War Resisters League National Committee, and the Movement for a Democratic Society Organizing Committee.

With responsibilities ranging from recommending City positions on global justice issues to reviewing proposed Sister City relationships to helping enforce the city’s Nuclear Free Berkeley Act, the Commission helps Berkeley stand as a model of thinking Green globally and acting Green locally.”
The Commission’s main function has been to advise the Berkeley City Council and the Berkeley Unified School District on matters of Peace and Justice. The enabling ordinance states that, “‘peace and social justice’ shall refer to the goal of creating a world community in which the relations between people are based on equality, respect for human rights, and the abhorrence of exploitation and all forms of oppression.”
The legislation recognizes that “Individual citizens, unless organized, are virtually powerless in confronting and influencing larger government bodies” and “It is the responsibility of one and all to labor hard for peace and justice within forums of appropriate scale.”
Somewhere in N Korea a frustrated general is once again rerouting nuclear missiles because Bob and friends made Berkeley a nuclear free zone. But Berkeley will have another hero in Bradley Manning who because he had a snit with his boyfriend leaked documents that will hurt the military. That makes Bob very happy.
See Bob run. See Bob play. See Bob helping peaceful Bradley get 1,000s killed in the name of brotherhood!