Of course, OFO PAC wants voters to think that John Kasich caused the meltdown of our economy. If they can get voters to think about that then voters won't remember Fannie and Freddie being protected by Democrats as housing prices continue to plummet. Nor do Democrats like Strickland/Fisher/Pelosi/Reid and Obama want voters to think about Trillion$ spent by big government liberals using Chinese loans to print worthless money while Ohio jobs were lost or moved out of state to the tune of 400,000.
Our Future Ohio PAC wants "transparency." OFO PAC wants transparency? When in Hell will Our Future Ohio PAC be transparent and tell voters who gave them millions of dollars to try to influence our election here in Ohio?
They won't tell voters where they got the money because the money is probably dirty money, not Ohio money or, possibly foreign money.
Transparency? The deceivers at OFO PAC wouldn't know transparency unless someone paid them bags full of cash to look it up in a dictionary.