Narcissistic Nancy is upset that there might be others who have been attacked more the she! The truth doesn't matter, it is the attacks!
Pelosi: Attacks on Boehner don’t compare to GOP attacks on me
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Democrats’ criticism of GOP leader John Boehner (Ohio) does not compare to the personal attacks Republicans have levied against her for years.
She then commanded:
“America’s middle class will have a tax cut. It will be done in this Congress. There is no question about that,” the Speaker said.
And with a large poof of smoke all that remained around her throne was the sound of a cackle whispering through the air. Aides to the Speaker conceded that a vote is unlikely as they served cake for all to eat.
UPDATE: An email said that my headline made them think that it was Pelosi who liberals say is the girlfriend. I can only say, Eeewwww.
UPDATE II: A Boehner aide said the liberal rumors about Boehner are "Bullsh*t."