The ambiguity of the Grand Union Flag (left), a.k.a., the “Cambridge Flag” (raised at Cambridge, Massachusetts in January 1776): it combined the stripes of the rebellious colonies with the British Union flag. It flew over Prospect Hill and overlooked the city of Boston. The flag sports the crosses of Saint George and Saint Andrew—and are borrowed from the British flag.

In September of 1990 we received a very unique letter. Earl P. Williams, Jr., a lecturer and author on the U.S. flag sent us the story of
Frances Hopkinson, resident of Bordentown, N.J., signer of the Declaration of Independence, and apparent true designer of the American flag.
The charming story which credits Betsy Ross as the creator of our national emblem was challenged in 1870, when it was first made public. However, we learned that it wasn't until 1917 that Hopkinson's biographer came across letters between Hopkinson and the Continental Congress which pointed to Hopkinson as the flag's creator. These letters are in the National Archives today.
The pattern shown with 6 pointed stars is Earl's approximation of the flag Hopkinson designed in 1777. Scholars will likely continue to debate the exact appearance of our first national flag for years to come. There is no original example of the very first flag still left. No one can claim with certainty to know the exact appearance of the first flag. Our flag shows Earl's concept of the design based on his study.