Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Ezra Pound, Richard Avedon And Henri Cartier-Bresson

I am in awe of him, I am in absolute awe of him. Everyone is a Cartier-Bresson baby…I worship him.
-Richard Avedon.

You mustn’t want, you must be receptive. Don’t think even. The brain’s a bit dangerous.
-Henri Cartier-Bresson

‘How do you make your pictures?’ I was puzzled . . .
I said, ‘I don’t know, it’s not important.’
-Henri Cartier-Bresson

Richard Avedon, "You know I'm Jewish?"


Ezra Pound, Poet, Rutherford, New Jersey, at the home of William Carlos Williams, June 30, 1958

Brilliant poet. Known anti-Semite.

"A portrait is not a likeness. The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth."
Richard Avedon