Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome To ObamaCareEconomy: Your Life Will Suck

No taxes for 95% of Americans, according to Obama. Yeah, right. That's a lie, but there is a hidden tax lie. The loss of income

Income falls 3.2% during Obama's term

Obama's economic plan is costing you money today and everday. Food for the family, clothes for the kids, uniforms for the child that participates in sports? Add 3.2%. At the price of each pair of lunches, books, new local school taxes and fuel costs for buses, you're getting screwed by this administration. Piece by piece. Cost by cost.

Welcome to the world that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Waxman and the rest of the absolute liars in congress have brought you. They have to lie in their attempt to gain support for programs that they want you to think to be fair. It's not fair, but liberals want you to think it is a level playing field .Liberals lie to themselves and to you this way.

The average American will pay more and pay more for the basics to pay for those that won't pay because Democrats want their votes. With Obama, they are supplying that with which they believe quitters, losers and bums will continue to vote Democrat. Hopefully, to Democrats, for a majority.

The taxes will be higher and your income will be lower. A double tax.

Tired of it yet?