Monday, March 22, 2010

The Political Cost Of Health Care

Much has been said of the economic cost of health care which, simply put is that we can't afford this bill of entitlements. The political cost may be higher for the Democrats.

They probably have lost the pro-life vote for the foreseeable future. This will cut across many religious groups. It is unfortunate to the nth degree that Nancy Pelosi, allegedly a Catholic, directed this fight.

Many different political groups have been awakened from their slumber. Conservatives that thought their back was covered have rejoined the fray. Republicans who were uncommitted are now energized. Moderate Republicans who do that, "Oh, I just vote for the best candidate," now see in stark terms what that has accomplished. Independents and especially those that weren't interested in politics may not know that the Republican Party is their home, but they well know now that the Democrat Party is not their political home, in fact, it is a bordello to be avoided.

Older Americans are very angry with what the Democrats have done to them financially (and how they were used as bartering chips) and the young voter demographic is now more pro-life and conservative than in recent history.

Working Americans, many of them Blue Collar workers who thought they were voting for hope and change, know that vast amounts of money is being spent and someone will have to pay it back. That it is being spent on health care reform in place of jobs and the economy only compounds their anger.

The most important group affected is that block of voter that smells a rat. They may not have the intense involvement, thus the deep knowledge, of what is in the health care reform bill, but they know it stinks. It stinks the way it was passed, it stinks because they know they were lied to and it stinks because of their common sense which tells them that this whole charade is bull.

Many of this last group will vote Republican in the near future, but others that may have voted Democrat in the past will just fade into the, “they’re all liars,” group of voters.

If I was breaking out the demographic profile for the Democrats I’d be scratching my head a lot, because the historical number crunching method isn’t going to work next time around.