Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I hope Canada Denies Ann Coulter's 'Free Speech', They Deserve Silence

Here in America, the left has attempted to control political debate by sending screeches and harpies to shout down those with whom they disagree. In Canada they control "free speech" through thinly veiled laws concerning what can and cannot be said. Both are attempts at the same thing, controlling political debate.

The idea is that if one side can control what can be said, they can then control the debate. In Canada, one can argue this is doubly onerous because they speak two official languages, but here in America we speak many languages. While there are those here that are attempting to increase our Spanish, there are still those that say we speak all languages except George Bernard Shaw's English.

Whatever. Free speech is free speech and shouldn't be limited by a bunch of pantywaists that don't have backbone to get in there and fight for their ideas. Of course, ideas are not made by nice-nice coded words mixed with tea and crumpets. Ideas are hard business and good, really good ideas, can get pretty rough.

I'm not convinced that had one of my ancestors intoned a, "My good fellow, can't we all just get along?" at Bunker Hill that things would have turned out differently, but then I am merely an oaf, made so by the border, that can't even see the hidden 'phish-phish' behind condescending words sent to us by one of our betters.

"I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you..."

"I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be..."

Oh, Good Lord, this drivel just goes on and on, heaping more and more saccharin smug self righteous condescension onto Ms. Coulter. Really, all 4 are in there. Provosts are like that. Phiff, phiff.

Mr. Houle seems fairly invincible behind his empty suit of academic clothes swaddled in cowardly law. For you Canadians, that means he is a total wuss. Coulter could out debate this little man with merely a look. He'd run to mummy, or the appropriate government bureaucrat, in an Ottawa minute.

I hope she is laughing her irreverent *** off. I know I am.