Green autos, green food, green energy, green everything. Everywhere one goes there is something green or acting green or organic or environmentally friendly. Products such as washing and drying machines had to be redesigned, costing a lot more money, to save our planet.
As recycling plants popped up all over so did the warehouses filled with recycled materials. They still sit filled, but products tout being made of recycled material. Watch TV for an evening and see green coffee, green cleaners, green lights and even green TVs to watch the world turn green.
A flagship idea of the green movement, even highlighted by the Green Party, are wind turbines. The Green Party here in Ohio whose candidate, Dennis Spisak, has constantly spoken of the wonders of wind power. His "Why not Ohio" relates to all things green and just last month Dennis put out a press release entitled, "Why not Ohio? Spanish wind power company creates 1,100 jobs."
Why not Ohio? Well, because like everything else about the whole environmental movement/profit driven/power grab, it seems that Ohio doesn't need more green hoax.
‘Anti-Lobbyist’ Obama Administration Recruited Left-Wing Lobbyists to Sell Bogus ‘Green Jobs’
After two studies refuted President Barack Obama’s assertions regarding the success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy programs, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals the Department of Energy turned to George Soros and to wind industry lobbyists to attack the studies
I am a capitalist, so if companies want to try to sell me green underwear, deodorant, cereal, or whatever, that's their choice. If political parties want to sell green candidates, hey, more power to them. I won't vote for the candidates and I won't buy their products. I know when I am being bullied and when I am being taken, so I will actively work against what they are trying to do.
I want green beer on St Patrick's Day, I want green lawns, I want to make enough green to live, but I really don't buy their scam.
If I want green flip flops, I have a number of politicians I can buy. These days they come cheap.
As recycling plants popped up all over so did the warehouses filled with recycled materials. They still sit filled, but products tout being made of recycled material. Watch TV for an evening and see green coffee, green cleaners, green lights and even green TVs to watch the world turn green.
A flagship idea of the green movement, even highlighted by the Green Party, are wind turbines. The Green Party here in Ohio whose candidate, Dennis Spisak, has constantly spoken of the wonders of wind power. His "Why not Ohio" relates to all things green and just last month Dennis put out a press release entitled, "Why not Ohio? Spanish wind power company creates 1,100 jobs."
Why not Ohio? Well, because like everything else about the whole environmental movement/profit driven/power grab, it seems that Ohio doesn't need more green hoax.
‘Anti-Lobbyist’ Obama Administration Recruited Left-Wing Lobbyists to Sell Bogus ‘Green Jobs’
After two studies refuted President Barack Obama’s assertions regarding the success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy programs, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals the Department of Energy turned to George Soros and to wind industry lobbyists to attack the studies
I am a capitalist, so if companies want to try to sell me green underwear, deodorant, cereal, or whatever, that's their choice. If political parties want to sell green candidates, hey, more power to them. I won't vote for the candidates and I won't buy their products. I know when I am being bullied and when I am being taken, so I will actively work against what they are trying to do.
I want green beer on St Patrick's Day, I want green lawns, I want to make enough green to live, but I really don't buy their scam.
If I want green flip flops, I have a number of politicians I can buy. These days they come cheap.