Monday, February 08, 2010

Palin CHEATS! Left Stuck On Stupid.

Seems that Sarah Palin writing notes on her hand has some people convinced that she is a cheat. I have a friend who has always written phone numbers, notes and reminders on her left hand. Now, as a successful business woman, she still does., but she never was nor is now a cheat.

Doing a simple search brings up Palin supposedly cheating in various ways or maybe her husband cheating or maybe her body parts cheating or maybe someone connected to her cheating, quite possibly in league with her. Or someone she knows. Like McCain. Or one of his pets, but also possibly an Alaskan moose, which is probably why she shot it.

Illness should never be ridiculed, that would be wrong, but people suffering from Palin Misogyny Syndrom (PMS) should be treated with all means available including psychiatric ridicule.

As a comfort, these people should also be shown the half full glass of logic that appears to reflect that Palin has never been shown to openly cheat on Andrew Sullivan's uterus. Such a reassurance uttered before the administration of warm cocoa and a lullaby just before bed should ease their pain.


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