Monday, November 23, 2009

Why Are Liberals Afraid Of Palin?

That should be liberals, progressives, socialists, etc and not just Palin, but of what she stands for?

A local blog is using phrases like "Camp Stupid" and other derogatory phrases. They even brag about confronting the crowds waiting to see her in which they use vulgarities, that they use just to antagonize, to tell those waiting just how stupid they are and how stupid Palin is.

I guess a couple of questions to them might be:

  • Why do you believe you are superior to Mrs. Palin and those wishing to see her?
  • Do you ridicule Mrs. Palin because you truly have alternatives or are you just acting out for fun
  • Are you acting in good faith with your questions or are you hoping to trick your opponents?
  • If you need to belittle Mrs. Palin's accomplishments, what have you accomplished and how is what she has done less of an accomplishment than you?
  • When lashing out at your opponents in such a hateful and personal manner, do you consider that actively working for your ideas? If so, how many people have you compelled to change their views to agree with your views?

I'd really like to know.