Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Corzine Propping Up Daggett To Split 'R' Vote

Corzine has Obama, in-state unions and liberal groups as well as ACORN and related groups as well as associate groups from out of state pouring into New Jersey to prop up his fading candidacy.

Now Corzine and New Jersey's Democrat Party has enlisted, abetted and financially helped "Independent" Chris Daggett for a Corzine win.

Democrats admit paying for pro-Daggett call

Joe Cryan, Democrat State Chairman for New Jersey, stated when asked if the Democrats had anything to do with the calls:

"No. Zero. Nada. No," he said.

The press decided that Cryan must be telling the truth say that the calls source was in doubt:

NJ Republicans, Democrats dispute source of automated calls for independent ...

I guess we can add the media to the long list of in state and out of state liberal groups working for Corzine.

And then there is the outright voter fraud:

Will 'ACORN" Steal The Seat For Corzine?

If Corzine pulls this out, we know how he is trying, it will be trumpeted as an Obama victory since Obama has basically moved to New Jersey of late.