Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reid Says AMA Promised 27 Republican Traitors For Health Scam Vote

Punch happy Harry Reid ain't happy. The AMA, which has become the American Malpratice Association, told Reid they had 27 Republican senators in their pocket to help pass the latest mathematically challenged bandaid to help pass Health Reform.

Reid: AMA Promised Me GOP Healthcare Votes
The AMA allegedly promised Reid that it could deliver 27 Republican votes for the legislation, according to two Senate Democratic lawmakers, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Reid needs those GOP votes because at least five members of his party have vowed to vote against the doctors' fix.

Good for the 27 Republicans. I hope they stay with their Party against this medical atrocity. Their political life will be on life support if they vote with the Demos on this.

How about more governance and less government.