Tuesday, October 13, 2009

America Is Doomed

Yes, America is doomed if this type of thinking continues.

Freedom of religion is no more, not even on public property, which if the constitution is to be believed, makes public property the safest place where there will be no restrictions on the expression of religion.

Children are subjected to zero tolerence rules by schools that ban aspirin and cub scout knives and, oh, there it is again, if a child or a teacher prays or expresses religion. Granted, it seems to be only Christianity that is subjected to these rules.

Now communities have become so PC, scared or just stupid. Case in point.

Apartment residents told to take down U.S. flags
...Oaks Apartment management, Clausen said, the American flag symbolizes problems.
He was told to remove the red, white and blue from both of his rides, or face eviction.
(emp. mine)

I'd tell them to take a flying leap.