Gateway Pundit has done the work that the MSM will not do, can't do, has been ordered not to do.
Van Jones is out.
How many wackjob losers are there like Van Jones in this administration? Truthers, Munmia supporters (even made an album with the murderer) and proponent of white America wanting black America dead. What a loser.
The Emanuel brothers are two people that should not be allowed anywhere near power, because they think power is a football game in the living room. Just like the Kennedy brothers. Government as competition, Government like a touch football game. Governing as a pink victory.
Let's start looking at the other Czars, hidden leaders, bureaucrats and other community organizers that the Obama administration has implanted in our future. They are scary and they are the wrong people and they should have nothing to do with our governance and our future.
They are, after all, Obama appointees, which make them suspect.
Van Jones was/is a joke. How many jokes can we afford?
Can anyone spell taxes, laws and freedom?