The ever growing federal government thirsts for more control over every aspect of your life. It is, afterall, your tax dollars they are spending to protect you from yourself.
Seller, beware: Feds cracking down on secondhand sales of some products
The crackdown affects sellers ranging from major thrift-store operators such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army to everyday Americans cleaning out their attics for yard sales, church bazaars or - increasingly - digital hawking on eBay, Craigslist and other Web sites.
Secondhand sellers now must keep abreast of recalls for thousands of products, some of them stretching back more than a decade, to stay within the bounds of the law.
Staffers for the federal agency are fanning out across the country to conduct training seminars on the regulations at dozens of thrift shops.
I wonder if my Tonka trucks, Zorro sword and Flexible Flyer sled would be illegal to sell now?
Seller, beware: Feds cracking down on secondhand sales of some products
The crackdown affects sellers ranging from major thrift-store operators such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army to everyday Americans cleaning out their attics for yard sales, church bazaars or - increasingly - digital hawking on eBay, Craigslist and other Web sites.
Secondhand sellers now must keep abreast of recalls for thousands of products, some of them stretching back more than a decade, to stay within the bounds of the law.
Staffers for the federal agency are fanning out across the country to conduct training seminars on the regulations at dozens of thrift shops.
I wonder if my Tonka trucks, Zorro sword and Flexible Flyer sled would be illegal to sell now?