Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ACORN: Brothels 'R' Us Starts Murder, Inc Franchise?

The US Census has kicked them off the team, ongoing investigations into voter fraud and racketeering and convictions for election fraud, congressional investigations, possible investigations by the IRS and their old lawyer and current cheerleader, President Obama, is in the White House.

Prostitution, underage prostitution, illegal mortgages, tax evasion advice, direction on how to lie to local officials, banks, schools and the police and now a confession of murder?

All brought to you using your tax dollars compliments of Democrats in Congress.

Brooklyn, NY
and now California.

ACORN's spokesman, wearing a very spiffy and metro sexual suit, sniffs that there is nothing wrong. Another ACORN person says that losing federal money won't hurt a thing.

One time is a fluke.
Second time is an Uh-Uh.
Third time is a pattern.
Fourth time is committee policy.

This is pushing the envelope even by community organizers' standards/