Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why Are Obama, Pelosi And Libs Insulting Older Americans?

Obama says that doctors are butchering patients for profit. Tonsils, appendages, etc getting lobbed off for just profit, not because the operations are prudent and necessary, but just for profit.

A health care bill over 1,000 pages and nobody has read it it seems and wouldn't understand it or agree on what it means if they did. Congress-skrit is harder to decipher that Sanskrit. Lawyer crapskrit makes Sanskrit, by comparison, easy to read.

End of life talk is in the bill, but the bills supporters says it doesn't really mean anything. It's just there. It's also just an idea that maybe an older person needing a pacemaker or heart surgery should just take an aspirin, according to Obama.

Now that people all across the nation are hearing what possibilities are in Congress' health care bill they are asking questions, protesting and getting angry. They are getting angry because people like Reps. Zach Space and Betty Sutton are not meeting with constituents and other Reps can't answer questions about the health care reform bill.

Where Reps are meeting with constituents in town hall meetings people are showing up in greater and greater numbers and they are angry. These Reps have responded by calling them Nazis, KKKers, members of a mob, ignorant and racists. Now that this tactic is failing these Reps are supplying faux protesters calling Obama a Hitler and other things. These fake protesters are plants being paid by these Reps, unions, liberal groups and the democrat Party.

Look at the photographs of the events. Who are these despicable people? A great many of them are elderly. A great many are children of elderly parents that are sick and scared to death over this government takeover of life and death decisions.

But Pelosi, Libs and Obama show nothing but disregard and disrespect to them. They insult their intelligence. They insult their right to debate and ask questions. They insult their concern. They insult the people that made this country great.

My father died of a fourth heart attack caused by a work ethic that wouldn't allow him to slow down. His patients needed him no matter what time, what day and generally on all of our birthdays, Christmas and all the other holidays as well. My mother died after a very long battle with Alzheimer's.

I am insulted that Obama, Pelosi and Libs are insulting their memory. My father served in the military to fight Nazism. My mother worked tirelessly while he served to supply nursing care to the returning wounded, the poor and any other person that needed it as she raised the beginnings of our large family. I am insulted because my parents would be right in there protesting, debating and caring about the outcome of this horrendous idea of government health care.

My parents fought the Nazis. My parents thwarted the KKK and took in patients no matter what color they were or if they could pay. My parents pushed back on the Mob. My father had to hide, as a young man, when he was a reporter for the Akron Beacon Journal because he named the names of the Irish Mafia that murdered the Italian couple that helped raise him as his mother worked 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. He became a doctor because each night he saw their twisted, mangled bodies that have been violated with shotguns and there wasn't anything he could do to help them, but try to push their organs back into their bodies and hope that would help. He helped people for a lifetime.

My mother and father were passionate about the United States of America and the freedoms endowed by the Creator that America enjoys. Now they would be called Nazis? They would be called KKKers? They would be called members of a Mob? They would be called racists?

I wish my parents were alive today to join these American protesters. These protesters are the people that made this country greater than it was when they came into this world. They are not the protesters that wish to tear down this great experiment in a freedom.

Where is the respect we were taught to give our seniors?