Via Gateway Pundit
The love and caring keeps pouring from Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-TX.
It appears while Sheila was on her cell phone a non-constituent Obama delegate plant was able to obtain a medical degree to give more gravitas to her vocal support of socialized medicine.
Obama camp plants fake doc, Che fan at Jackson Lee forum
Best line is:
A word of advice to budding political operatives: when you need two plants, try to pick people smarter than actual plants.
The love and caring keeps pouring from Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-TX.
It appears while Sheila was on her cell phone a non-constituent Obama delegate plant was able to obtain a medical degree to give more gravitas to her vocal support of socialized medicine.
Obama camp plants fake doc, Che fan at Jackson Lee forum
Best line is:
A word of advice to budding political operatives: when you need two plants, try to pick people smarter than actual plants.
Patterico's Pontification got the initial info and has much more. This is a good read.