So Sanford has come clean. Alas, another Republican has fallen and the vultures are laughing their heads off as the eat the corpse.
Update: It wasn't about Clinton having sex with Lewinsky. It was about the fact that Clinton lied under oath. It is also a fact that "Lewinski" is now a noun and a verb.
I was always taught to hate the sin, but love the sinner. You can bet I'm hoping that is true.
Sanford, Ensign, others and I'm betting there will be more, have disgraced themselves. They have also disgraced the party of family values. This disgrace is all the more bad because family values is what is keeping the party together since we forfeited that whole fiscal responsibility thing. Without the coalition of family values the Republican Party would lose so badly that Obama would start looking center of the road on policy.
The vultures are justified in trying to use these actions as a wedge to split the Republicans. Heck, there are republicans trying to justify reshaping the party by dumping the family values coalition. They are morons.
To no doubt bolster their credibility these vultures focus their attacks in vulgar terms meant to shock. They are completely incapable of understanding that we are already shocked. How could they understand that in which they do not believe.
More than shocked, we are saddened. Saddened for the families, saddened for the loss of morality in this country and saddened that men of such great promise showed, in the end, no promise of greatness.
They defend politicians such as Clinton and Frank and laugh out loud at men like Sanford because they believe the only thing these people did wrong was get caught.