First Lady Michelle Obama steps out in Lanvin sneakers and they're only $540!
"They're shoes," the First Lady's reps sniffed when curious reporters inquired about the fancy

Michelle has stepped out in Lanvin before while getting down to business. A week ago, she shoveled dirt at a tree planting while wearing the line's chiffon tank.
Dresses and strappy pumps cost upward of $1,500, while tops go for $400 to $1,000. Read more: "First Lady Michelle Obama steps out in Lanvin sneakers and they're only $540!"
Of course, we must look on the bright side for this historic administration. A mere $540 sneaker may not stimulate the economy, but think of the stimulus when she breaks out her custom gold lamé high heeled sneakers and the trend sweeps the country! (This was when Leon was Leon, not a caricature of Leon)