Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feinstein & Democrats; 'We Don't Need No Stinkin Secrets'

On all fronts the new administration and its colleagues in the Congress continue their Keystone Cop routine of bungling things before they even get started.

Now, Diane Feinstein decides what foreign policy and national security info gets out to the world. I think she's still peeved that the Obama didn't garner her wisdom on cabinet picks.

Feinstein's Blurt Leads to U.S. Confirmation That It Uses Pakistani Air Base
The Senate intelligence committee chairwoman claims to have learned from open sources that the U.S. was operating unmanned drones on a Pakistani air base, something the U.S. had denied -- until her blooper.

Feinstein's spokesman suggested at the time that her comment was merely a reference to a March 2008 report in The Washington Post that discussed the use of Pakistani bases as part of the Predator campaign. The article did not attribute the information to U.S. officials.

The Predator campaign, considered the single greatest factor in degrading Al Qaeda's capabilities, is credited with the killing of eight members of the terrorist group's leadership since last summer.

The acknowledgement that the Pakistanis not only are turning a blind eye to U.S. operations in their territory, but also are lending a hand by supplying a staging area could create political problems for the fragile government of President Asif Ali Zardari. The U.S. was permitted to use Shamsi to launch attacks on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in the U.S.

Amb. Teresita Schaffer, director of the South Asia program at the Center for International Studies, said Feinstein's slip was definitely not intentional.

"Hell no," Schaffer told "I am quite sure that was not a subtle signal by the U.S. government. Senator Feinstein said what she said and I am quite confident the U.S. government did not want [it] to be acknowledged, both because of the usual concerns about operational security ... but secondly, and perhaps even more importantly, it's intensely politically embarrassing to the government of Pakistan."

Way to go Diane. Now, remind me, how did you get on the intelligence committee?

President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan thanks you with all his heart. He has to, since you can't wait to show that you know more than others, he may not have a head for long. You're a real benefit to our government and our security Diane and I personally want to thank you for belching secrets all over the place.