Maybe it was the heady notion that those of a different color would finally be put in their place. Maybe it was just the pure arrogance of one finally feeling empowered. Probably it was a typical school board member shoving their beliefs down the throats of those that disagree.
Whatever it is, Sheila Patterson doesn't understand democracy as practiced in our Republic. She also slapped her new president in the face with her directive to those that disagree with her.
I am just very very disappointed.
Jackson Public Schools board member to teachers who did not show inauguration: Go home
Jackson Public Schools board member Sheila Patterson had a strong message Tuesday for some teachers who did not "feel it was important" to show the inauguration of President Barack Obama during class.
"They don't belong in this school district -- not the type of district we have here," Patterson said at Tuesday's board meeting.
Patterson was speaking of the 43 percent minority student population, and that the inauguration of the first black president was an historic event no matter what political viewpoint one has.
"I am just very very disappointed," she said.
Sheila Patterson
Age: 39
Family: Single
Occupation: Health, safety and environmental coordinator at Consumers Energy
Education: Masters in business administration, Spring Arbor University; bachelor's in liberal arts, Spring Arbor College; driver education certificate, Central Michigan University
Community/public service: Vice president of Jackson Public Schools board, Jackson Community College Board of Trustees, Consumers Energy's Community-Minded Services Club, executive committee for the NAACP Jackson chapter
If this represents the thinking of our school boards it is really disappointing. No wonder students graduate without the ability to fill out job applications, but remember the nuances of social re-education.