Oh, those wacky Democrats. If a Republican mentions Obama's close friendship with a terrorists. it's racist and wrong to bring up, but portray McCain as a member of the KKK holding a bat as he chases Obama, it's just fun. Get it? Whitey keepin' a brother down is just a little humor. Why, sarcasm even.
Democratic backer sends message by showing McCain, in KKK robe, chasing Obama
Georgia Verdier, president of the Elmira-Corning Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said she was concerned about the injection of race into the presidential campaign when someone called her to complain about the scene.
After viewing a photograph of Havens' display, Verdier said it seems innocuous enough, but she's still concerned it may send the wrong message.
"It looks friendly but I am concerned not so much about this display, but in general about the fear and hate that have entered the campaign," Verdier said. "This display appears friendly to me. But that's my take. A young lady passed by and had other feelings. We need to be concerned about that. I think we all need to be careful about what messages we send. The message we send is not always the message received."
Havens said he has no plans to take the display down at this time.
I don't think it racist to point out that Obama is a Socialist who hangs out with unrepentant terrorists, but hey, I'm just funnin'. You may chuckle now.