Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Obama's Liberal Jihad Against McCain's Republican Convention

via Return of the Conservatives

Plausible deniablilty.

Legal challenge is in line with plans to disrupt GOP convention
Elaborate plans are underway to encircle and "shut down" the Republican National Convention at St. Paul's Xcel Energy Center in September. The strategies and tactics involved could come straight from a guerrilla warfare manual.

Anarchist groups with ominous names -- the RNC Welcoming Committee, Unconventional Action -- have announced a "three-tier strategy" to cut off the Xcel Center. The steps include "blockading" streets and freeways, "immobilizing" delegates' transportation and "blocking" bridges to impede delegates' access to the center.

The plan also features a "swarm, seize, stay" strategy. After dividing the city into "sectors," protesters propose to "seize space" through both "hard technical blockades" and "softer, more mobile blockades" such as congestion, according to anarchist websites.

Some demonstrators may chain themselves together in public thoroughfares, while others operate in "waves" designed to "spread out police both geographically and tactically."

Rock/hard place. If they're taken out as they riot and destroy, we as a nation look bad/If they're allowed to riot and destroy, our Republic is further weakened. The rich Obama supporting ABA lawyers and the trash employing them know this.

Democrats, liberals and especially Obama should be ashamed. And made to pay the bill.