Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bishy Rowan Gets Support From Islam's Amen Corner Here In America

The lonliness of a fool shouting in the wilderness is only comforted, not cured, by the company of other fools.

Enter the Washington Post, stage left, to soothe the Archbishop Rowan Williams.

Archbishop of Canterbury Was Right
The recent and controversial call by Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, primate of the Church of England and spiritual leader of 80 million Anglicans, for incorporation of Sharia law into British law will not be the last utterance in favor of Islamic law. Nor should it be. The addition of Sharia law to "the law of the land", in this case British law, complements, rather than undermines, existing legal frameworks. The Archbishop was right. It is time for Britain to integrate aspects of Islamic law.

That is what Archbishop Williams was suggesting. And wisely so; Britain is no longer simply guided by a Western law born of Judeo-Christian ethics. Its makeup is now much more diverse, and so to must be its moral measurements.

We must diversify our moral measurements? How deliciously relative, especially from the Washington Post which was known as the "downtown Daily Worker" next to its big brother the New York Times, the "uptown Daily Worker". That their Co joined histories underpinning their moral clarity on religion and the law is being used to give voice to an author who believes the West is the cause of terrorist attacks against it and that America is a “Sharia compliant” nation is a contortion that would break an arguement's back. If it had a backbone.