Friday, February 29, 2008

Broken Hearted & In A Funk

Joan Osborne with The Funk Brothers Band, What Becomes of the Broken Hearted.
This song has helped and hurt over the years.

BTW, the singer is young enough to be a grandchild of the players.

Shotgun with The Funk

Gerald Levert performing a Motown classic, "Shotgun", with the Funk Brothers for a Friday night and the weekend.

I Didn't Know This.

The last desperate attempt by the Luftwaffe to protect the "Fatherland", German pilots purposely ram American bombers with their planes.

Bonaguil Castle

In southern France bordering High Agenesis and the Quercy natural regions, Bonaguil Castle is one of the best illustration of 15th and 16th centuries military architectural designs and is built on the edge of a rock spur.

Hillary's Prime Time?

"Cage fighting" slugs its way on to prime-time TV

Branded as barbaric by critics in the 1990s for its lack of rules, mixed martial arts, or MMA, has evolved into a more mainstream sport that bars biting, eye-gouging, head-butting and strikes to the groin.

Bill, I presume, is at least somewhat relieved by the newer rules.

The Beginning & The End

Hillary Says It's OVER!

If this ad doesn't say, "I'm through" I don't know what will.

Detroit's One And Only Funk Brothers

Motown had some great songs and some great players. Being a white kid in Detroit at a private school in the mid sixties wasn't just a challenge, it was laughable for me at least. Rockin' out to the MC-5, getting to hang with Mitch Ryder, watching Iggy bleed and hearing Motown change was heady stuff for a kid who had finagled his first set of drums by getting all "A's" and first seat as a trumpet player in the school band. I was playing trumpet pieces written for classical music and marches during school hours while wrestling with classical literature and Greek by day, teaching myself drums at night playing to Booker T and the MGs and Ramsey Lewis Trio records and going to clubs to listen. No easy feat for a kid who was 5' 5 1/2", 189lbs, all stuffed into a suit that made me look like the Michelin Man and just as white. I was not a hit in Detroit. Not in 1966. I never knew just how much Motown's Funk Brothers had influenced me.

If you have ever listened to music from that period, pre-Beatles, you have tapped your foot to the Funk Brothers. If you haven't heard the music you have tapped to their influence. If you haven't tapped your foot (or tried to shake your hips) get an EKG. You need it.

They are Motown's unsung heroes. Known as The Funk Brothers, the studio band put the backbeat into hits for Diana Ross & The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, etc. They played on more #1 records than The Beatles, Beach Boys, Rolling Stones and Elvis Presley combined, but no one knew their names.

Then you get to the artists that the Funk Brothers played for and with that weren't as famous, but created what was known as the Motown Sound before Phil Specter's wall-of-sound, the wah-wah pedal and other techniques. The players who were from Memphis, Tuscaloosa, the fields of Georgia and every no count town in between worked Detroit day jobs and jammed, formed bands and played late into the night often going straight to their day job after a gig. Players like Eddie Floyd, Mable John, Big Joe Turner and Little Willie John (Fever) were all crashing their styles together in small clubs and back rooms before Barry Gordy and his secretary Martha Reeves ever showed up. Thus the Funk Brothers were born.

Gordy was cleaning up "negro" music to appeal to the much larger white audience. It was a very smart business move. Gordy created a "transmutation of gospel and rhythm & blues" so successfully that Dusty Springfield, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and even Pat Boone were stealing riffs, sounds and entire songs to make them stars. Gordy, born into a middle class family, also decided that the soul musicians recording with him needed discipline, style and his work ethic. He brought in experts to shape the onstage persona's of groups like the Marvlettes, the Supremes and Sam Cooke. He also brought union methods to corral and control "his" musicians through exclusive contracts for everything including performers and studio musicians. In my opinion, Gordy got very rich by making the Detroit sound suck.

The Funk Brothers were sneaking all over Detroit playing studio sessions for everybody they could as Gordy's thugs chased them, threatened them and "fired" them. Sometimes the Funk Brothers would do multiple recording sessions in one day and still play the clubs at night. Gordy fired them as a group and individually more times than he got married and divorced which is no easy accomplishment, but even the "genius" Gordy knew that he needed them more than they needed him. Gordy got rich and created fame (while denying them to the Funk Brothers), but the Funk Brothers made history and a sound that will outlive the saccharine sounds of Motown Detroit and the even worse Motown LA.

I'm writing this because late last night I watched "Standing in the Shadows/Motown" about the Funk Brothers. What an incredible documentary. I cannot recommend it more highly. I bought the soundtrack faster than a Ronco slicer and suggest you do the same. You can get it HERE and forgo that EKG as you start tapping from start to end. Come on, you know you really hate to love hearing Bootsy Collins sing "Cool Jerk", but you do, don't you? Where are my star glasses when I need them.

Notable members of the Funk Brothers
Early members included bandleader Joe Hunter and Earl Van Dyke (piano); James Jamerson (bass guitar); William "Benny" Benjamin and Richard "Pistol" Allen (drums); Robert White, Eddie Willis, and Joe Messina (guitar); Jack Ashford (tambourine, percussion, vibes, marimba); Jack Brokensha (vibes, marimba); and Eddie "Bongo" Brown (percussion). Hunter left in 1964, replaced on keyboards by Johnny Griffith and as bandleader by Van Dyke. Around the same time Uriel Jones joined the band as a third drummer.
In 1967, guitarists Dennis Coffey and Melvin "Wah-Wah Watson" Ragin, who introduced the wah-wah pedal sound that defined Motown's psychedelic soul records, joined the band. Benny Benjamin died the next year, and Bob Babbitt began to replace James Jamerson on many recording dates. The Funk Brothers were a racially integrated band. Most members were black; Messina, Brokensha, Babbitt, and Coffey were white.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Obama VS McCain

Since everybody seems to be projecting to November from February...

Got A Call From Hillary Last Night

Well, at least from her "Central Ohio" campaign reminding all Ohio voters that Hillary understands us, knows us and loves us and to vote next Tuesday to show that Ohio supports Hillary.

The automated call came from Northern Virgina. 703 637-9323.

Rats Abandoning USS 1st 'Black' President Ship

Bill Clinton, the first 'black' president is speaking to small groups in small towns from the back of small trucks and looks very small indeed.

The libs are circling their wagons. Bloomberg says (seriously) that he isn't running. Minorities, women and others are seeing Hillary Rodham Clinton as a drag.

It appears that the anchor line to the pier is beginning to fill with super delegates who are deciding whether ship or shore will better butter their bread.

John Lewis Switches Support To Obama
Georgia Congressman John Lewis told WSB-TV Channel 2’s Monica Pearson Wednesday that he is switching his support from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama.

Loyalty and keeping you word, they're beautiful things, aren't they.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Muddy Waters Fills Basement

Back when the earth was still cooling, as my kids like to point out, I heard good music. My father derisively called it jungle music. Love you Dad, to this very day even though you're gone, I do, but Les Brown and his Band of Renown didn't get me rockin', nor did Kay Keyser or Chesty Morgan. Chesty did have her high points though.

Muddy and his pork pie hat played alone in a basement bar in Boston due to a nor'easter. I had been sitting there since noon thinking that was the only way I would get a seat in what was going to be a crowded bar for a performance by a master of the Blues. The snow kept falling, buses stopped running and the bartender got there about 15 minutes after I did. So did Muddy.

There was a young singer by the name of Bonnie Raitt along with just her bass player Simbo. Rambo or something like that who was to appear before Muddy who wanted to check out the accoustics. The snow kept falling and cabs stopped running.

Post lunch became pre-dinner and some boiler makers started appearing as nervous jokes about the steps down into the bar being filled with snow were fullfilled by God himself. As pre-dinner became cocktail hour for the finer folks on Nob Hill the stairs disappeared under the weather. The snow fell and the wind jammed it into the cracks in the mortar between the bricks while the bums, winos and drunks pleaded to be let in. Muddy smiled and the bartender cracked the door wide enough for the nearby nonmusical Tom Waites to sidle into the warmer basement bar.

Muddy started playing guitar. Bonnie started playing dobro, whatshisname on stand up bass. I sheepishly offered spoons on the bar. Toothless smiles from the cold visitors warmed by coffee and in hopes of something more smiled a chorus seldom heard in concert venues. Thus the evening was cast.

"Dust My Broom", "Hootchie Cootchie Man", many others and a 35 minute rendition of "Got My Mojo Workin" was unplugged because the power went out and candles were lit.. Muddy talked about his friends, competitors Bo Diddley, Howlin Wolf, Little Walter and others, but not the way I had heard him talk before. It was warm, maybe fun, but challenging in his pride of his own work. He picked as he talked.

Muddy was known as the master of Chicago Blues, but he played the silk sounds of the Delta liked born to it. Laconic sliding tones of inconcruent, yet musical toning meant to be together just to make a swamp of a basement in Boston into his. That night quietly. That night quietly sounded voluminous by the quiet that surrounded the music as sounds bounced off three foot thick walls, floors and empty tables.

The bartender, a strapping lad with red hair, gave us all a cuppa cold coffee, a shot of Jamison and a word of sorrow that we'd be staying the night.

Muddy Waters sat most of the night in a chair so his back wouldn't stove up on the cold floor.

Obama's Illiteracy About Military Basics

Acting and speaking as if you know the military is really (really) stupid when you don't.

Obama is dumber than a box of rocks because he believes he has import on this subject when he is actually digging a deeper hole and doesn't know when to stop digging.

Read this:

Obama Lies Again…
February 23, 2008 By Sniper One

This is either an outright lie, or a complete misunderstanding of how the military works. Either way, Obama is not fit to be the CinC.

Read the rest and hope that Michelle has the stones to help her husband's lack. Obama is worse than Hillary. That speaks volumes.

Being positive, Obama does have all the qualifications and experience (I hope) to run a local Easter Seals Neighbor mailing fundraiser. If he knows a neighbor of his faux Georgian Manor Mansion.

Angry White Man And The 2008 Election

I am kind of shocked this came out of the Aspen Times Weekly, but the writer nails it. McCain and the RNC are missing it.

In election 2008, don't forget Angry White Man
There is a great amount of interest in this year's presidential elections, as everybody seems to recognize that our next president has to be a lot better than George Bush. The Democrats are riding high with two groundbreaking candidates - a woman and an African-American - while the conservative Republicans are in a quandary about their party's nod to a quasi-liberal maverick, John McCain.

Each candidate is carefully pandering to a smorgasbord of special-interest groups, ranging from gay, lesbian and transgender people to children of illegal immigrants to working mothers to evangelical Christians.

There is one group no one has recognized, and it is the group that will decide the election: the Angry White Man. The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.

His common traits are that he isn't looking for anything from anyone - just the promise to be able to make his own way on a level playing field. In many cases, he is an independent businessman and employs several people. He pays more than his share of taxes and works hard.

The victimhood syndrome buzzwords - "disenfranchised," "marginalized" and "voiceless" - don't resonate with him. "Press 'one' for English" is a curse-word to him. He's used to picking up the tab, whether it's the company Christmas party, three sets of braces, three college educations or a beautiful wedding.

He believes the Constitution is to be interpreted literally, not as a "living document" open to the whims and vagaries of a panel of judges who have never worked an honest day in their lives.

The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he's willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought of killing someone who needs killing really doesn't bother him.

The Angry White Man is not a metrosexual, a homosexual or a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina - he got his people together and got the hell out, then went back in to rescue those too helpless and stupid to help themselves, often as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.

His last name and religion don't matter. His background might be Italian, English, Polish, German, Slavic, Irish, or Russian, and he might have Cherokee, Mexican, or Puerto Rican mixed in, but he considers himself a white American.

He's a man's man, the kind of guy who likes to play poker, watch football, hunt white-tailed deer, call turkeys, play golf, spend a few bucks at a strip club once in a blue moon, change his own oil and build things. He coaches baseball, soccer and football teams and doesn't ask for a penny. He's the kind of guy who can put an addition on his house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, weld a new bumper for his truck, design a factory and publish books. He can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal and get it to the power plant on time so that you keep the lights on and never know what it took to flip that light switch.

Women either love him or hate him, but they know he's a man, not a dishrag. If they're looking for someone to walk all over, they've got the wrong guy. He stands up straight, opens doors for women and says "Yes, sir" and "No, ma'am."

He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green. He knows that his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner.

He's not a racist, but he is annoyed and disappointed when people of certain backgrounds exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their race. He's willing to give everybody a fair chance if they work hard, play by the rules and learn English.

Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job site becomes flooded with illegal workers who don't pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.

He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock. He recoils at the mere sight of her on television. Her very image disgusts him, and he cannot fathom why anyone would want her as their leader. It's not that she is a woman. It's that she is who she is. It's the liberal victim groups she panders to, the "poor me" attitude that she represents, her inability to give a straight answer to an honest question, his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves.

There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush.

He hopes that she will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum.

Barack Obama isn't going to excite this crowd either, but the politician that does is going to win big because there are a ton of people like this. I am one.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

How Stupid Is Ahmadinejad? Anyone?

Ahmadinejad: US Should Apologize to Iran
Ahmadinejad said in a televised address to the nation that the best way for the U.S. and its allies to "compensate for their mistakes" is to "apologize and pay compensation."

Pay? Is Chairman Short planning on Iran paying compensation for the 444 days?

Iran, Ahmadinejad, Syria, the Taliban, the dead Butcher of Bagdhad and their ignorant Imams as well as their apologists around the globe owe the world an apology, not for just enabling the towers, the Pentagon, Pennsylvania and their cowardly acts and murders every where, but also for using retarded women as bombs, children, the old and playing on the fears of those that want to believe in a just world through a just God.

Here is my apology.

Kiss my ass. Your check is in the mail.

Obama's Raising The Dead

Yeah, just like Richard Daley did in Chicago so they could vote. In large numbers. Wait, that's Barack's backyard too. eerie, eh?

Obama is packing them in for his sermons speeches too tight it seems because they're fainting like flies, weeping like the lost and looking like they're having a personal rapture just waiting for Barack to hit the up button.

Obama is beating Hillary like a rented mule using a smile, sex appeal and good suits which was the Kennedy victory model, at least up until Fat Teddy. The other big "O", Oprah beat the Christmas rush and dumped Hillary early. Joan Baez, Will Smith, Chris Rock, Halle Berry, Robert DeNiro and other luminaries of the entertaining left are panting like puppies eager to please Obama and his "change".

One of my sisters attended the Beatles concert at Shea Stadium and afterwards everybody asked her how they were to which she replied that she had no idea because most in the stadium were either fainting or having orgasms and doing both very loudly.

Is it true, do you believe, that Obama can heal with a touch of his hand or do details really matter with his crowd?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

NASCAR, Tofu And History

I like NASCAR. Many people do and many don't. I had a friend who told me, "I just don't get it!"

NASCAR is not sport you "get". You like it or you do not. Me, I love it. Small tracks at Martinsville, Bristol, mid sized tracks like Dover, the first "super speedway" at Darlington and two zip code tracks like Talladega, I love'm all, but I love the smaller tracks the most because they are the history of NASCAR all the way back to bootlegging and country roads. Ask Junior Johnson. He's not ashamed of his and his sport's history. He has a smile on when recalling those days. When Junior is smiling, that is very very good. When he is not, well, quickly move behind a solid object.

The France family created NASCAR. They sweat the bullets, risked everything many times over and made NASCAR what it is today. A sport where a kid who graduated with an engineering degree from Purdue can make more money coming home fifth than Richard "The King" Petty made in his first two seasons. Richard never went to Purdue. He did go to Duke for a fundraiser for Ronald Reagan back in 1980.

Few other sports have the individuality of NASCAR except possibly bowling and poker. Tiny Lund was huge. Harry Hyde figured out how to hide fuel in a car where officials couldn't find it. How can you not love a sport which has a guy named Fonty Flock?

Buddy Baker's dad, Buck, once wrecked his race car, flagged Buddy and his car into the pits and yanked Buddy out of the car, jumped in, made up two laps and went on to win. After winning Buck slid into the pits, jumped out saying "GD, that's how you win." Buddy asked what about victory lane and his dad said as he stomped off, "Find it on your own."

I once saw the greatest driver in the world at Powell Speedway on a hot Saturday night in the heart of Ohio. Powell was maybe a half mile track with wooden bleachers that held maybe a hundred people in those days. After winning Petty stayed until midnight shaking hands, signing autographs and making sure his winning purse was cash. Thus was the sport of NASCAR, small town by small town, close interaction between drivers and fans, and cheatin' and beaten and bangin' were just part of the sport. Many northerners who now are pleading for a race used to call NASCAR and its fans hillbillies as if that was an insult. Powell Ohio would kill for a NASCAR race and the millions of dollars pumped into the community, but instead Powell has grown from a small town to become a bedroom community for Columbus and is now acre after acre of cookie cutter McUgly McMansions on cutsey named streets.

Now NASCAR is coast to coast and south to north. Yeah I'll watch them all, but the history is being lost for new venues and bigger, faster and newer tracks.

This week they're racing (that mean mashing the gas pedal down and turning left for a couple hundred miles) in California. Like I said, I'll watch them all, but NASCAR in California is like going to Taos for clam chowder, Boston for blue corn tortillias, Vegas for religion or New Orleans for dieting.

They all can be done, but why?

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Clintons' Hearts Of Darkness

In this particular case the darkness may be a good thing for all concerned.

NYT's Preemptive Strike For The Democrats

It is common knowledge that papers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. are in the bag for the Democratic Party, especially the Progressive wing. That they have so successfully covered their own tracks with the help of the rest of the main stream media is not surprising when one acknowledges that a failure would place the media below whores and drug dealers on the scale of believability. Come to think about it, if a whore yelled fire in a crowded theatre people would run for the doors while simply pooh-poohing a reporter for interrupting the show. Such are the bastard children of Randolph Hearst.

I have always loved politics, especially campaigning or fighting in the trenches as many call it. Politics can be brutal and those that wish for a more civil political discourse are those that don't know history. Maybe they are the ones who do know history which causes them to believe pigs can fly and politicians won't act like humans do when on the edge or backed into a corner. A cornered rat has nothing over a cornered politician.

Having guided many candidates through the ridiculously contorted and disingenuousness of editorial boards I laugh when the media whines of back room deals and conspiracies of politicians though most of the whining is about evil Republicans and laudatory of "change" Democrats and the candor of their leadership. I believe they are just attributing their likeability of Democrats to speaking the same code. Such open Democrat presidents, such as FDR, JFK and William Jefferson Clinton were about as open as an after hours club during prohibition and just as sordid.

Enter the NYT's poorly written and poorly researched piece on John McCain. Was it a preemptive strike to diffuse the accusations of a rumor spreading through the blogs, gay publications and starting to percolate in smaller news outlets across the country? Nothing speaks headline when dealing with a politician involved in limos, drugs and homosexual trysts, but only if that politician is Republican. McCain, a lobbyist who is 31 years younger, trips to Florida and payola in the form of regulatory protection for her client is big tuna for the trolling media. True, the same media went after Gary Hart and his Monkey Shine business in Florida, but Hart was acceptable collateral damage because Hart was no real threat, but McCain could actually topple the Democrat dream team in 2008 thus he is the biggest tuna of this political deep sea hunt.

Is the story about Obama true? That isn't important. What is important is whether the press implies that it is true.

So, is the hit piece on McCain a preemptive strike on McCain because they are trying to protect Obama or is it a preemptive strike on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton? I don't know because I am not part of the campaign arm of the elite media.

I really wouldn't be surprised by either scenario. The only thing that would surprise me is if the media stopped being a bagman for the Democrat de jour running for office. So much for idealism in the hard cruel process of making the world a better place. Improving those that do not understand the need is an ugly business, but the New York Times believes themselves up to the task.

Sleeping With The Enemy

"Things aren't looking good for Hillary. Like a lot of women in Washington, I think she's just starting to realize she may have slept with Bill Clinton for nothing." --Jay Leno

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Iraqi's Deny Terrorist's Use Of Mentally Incompetents For Murder Attacks

Iraqis sweep up derelicts
The Iraqi Interior Ministry has ordered police to round up beggars, vagabonds and mentally disabled people from the streets in Baghdad to prevent them from being used by insurgents as suicide bombers, a spokesman said Tuesday.

The decision came after a series of suicide attacks, including two female bombers who struck pet markets in Baghdad on Feb. 1, killing nearly 100 people. Iraqi and U.S. officials have said the women were mentally disabled and apparently unwitting bombers.

I think the terrorists have benefited for years from the unwitting and their use of them. Just look at the Democratic presidential primaries. There's a group of half-wits and un-wits and all the other nits one can think of.

The best line I have read in a long while come from Jonn Lilyea of This Ain't Hell But You Can See It From Here in his piece about this article:

Hmmm, “beggars, vagabonds and mentally disabled people from the streets” sounds like hordes of Democrat suicide voters that the Democrats have been recruiting over the last forty years.

Ahmadinejad Crazier Than Baghdad Bob

Ahmadinejad: Israel is a filthy bacteria...

Iran says atomic drive brings powers 'to their knees'...

Next Mahmoud will be screaming "God will roast their stomachs in hell!"

Of course the little guy is trying to live up to the Bob:

"Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury."

"They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets."

"Israel is a rotten, dried tree that will be annihilated in one storm."

“I warn you to abandon the filthy Zionist entity, which has reached the end of the line. It has lost its reason to be and will sooner or later fall. The ones who still support the criminal Zionists should know that the occupiers’ days are numbered. … Accept that the life of Zionists will sooner or later come to an end.”

"[There is] no significant need for the United States."

“As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,”

"The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world. "

"Are they human beings?... They (Zionists) are a group of blood-thirsty savages putting all other criminals to shame."

Mahmoud is not quite right in the head. Maybe he has a brain eating bacteria, eh?

Mark Of The Devil In Hawaii Primary?

2:40 AM EST

This is eerie as the first reporting from hawaii came in:


Maybe the islanders know what we should. Omen for the future.

Other names for the mark of the Devil;
Number of the Beast
Sign of Satan
Beelzabub's tattoo
Lucifer's lashes
Anton LeVey's area code
Nero's number
The serpent's Sss Sss Sss
your eternal bar tab total if you don't straighten up
the number of years it would take a Michigan student to actually graduate from a real High School.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama Slams Hillary As Hillary Pillories Obama

He copied him! She copied him! Waaaaaaaah!...

If they were my children both would be sitting on the stairs not allowed to utter a sound nor move, not even a twitch.

America needs more stairs. And switches. Preferably willow.

From the Drudge

Bishy Rowan Gets Support From Islam's Amen Corner Here In America

The lonliness of a fool shouting in the wilderness is only comforted, not cured, by the company of other fools.

Enter the Washington Post, stage left, to soothe the Archbishop Rowan Williams.

Archbishop of Canterbury Was Right
The recent and controversial call by Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, primate of the Church of England and spiritual leader of 80 million Anglicans, for incorporation of Sharia law into British law will not be the last utterance in favor of Islamic law. Nor should it be. The addition of Sharia law to "the law of the land", in this case British law, complements, rather than undermines, existing legal frameworks. The Archbishop was right. It is time for Britain to integrate aspects of Islamic law.

That is what Archbishop Williams was suggesting. And wisely so; Britain is no longer simply guided by a Western law born of Judeo-Christian ethics. Its makeup is now much more diverse, and so to must be its moral measurements.

We must diversify our moral measurements? How deliciously relative, especially from the Washington Post which was known as the "downtown Daily Worker" next to its big brother the New York Times, the "uptown Daily Worker". That their Co joined histories underpinning their moral clarity on religion and the law is being used to give voice to an author who believes the West is the cause of terrorist attacks against it and that America is a “Sharia compliant” nation is a contortion that would break an arguement's back. If it had a backbone.

Hillary's Snipe Hunt And Losing An Election

Clinton's Hunting History

Clinton was asked to discuss gun control which prompted Clinton to talk about her days holding a rifle in the cold, shallow waters in backwoods Arkansas.

“I’ve hunted. My father taught me how to hunt. I went duck hunting in Arkansas. I remember standing in that cold water, so cold, at first light. I was with a bunch of my friends, all men. The sun’s up, the ducks are flying and they are playing a trick on me. They said, ‘we’re not going to shoot, you shoot.’ They wanted to embarrass me. The pressure was on. So I shot, and I shot a banded duck and they were surprised as I was,” Clinton said drawing laughter from the crowd.

Hillary, aka Dead Eye Dick, nailed flying duck with a rifle. Uh huh, yeah. Us mere mortals use the more legal, but boring shotguns when duck hunting. Maybe she'll give shooting lessons on the White House lawn every other Saturday.

Clinton’s story led one older gentleman to say, “As long as you know how to use a gun, would you be willing to show Vice President Cheney how to use his?” Both Clinton and the crowd erupted in laughter.

“That was good, that was really good,” Clinton said. “You know I couldn’t believe that, I really thought that I have gotten over being totally outraged by the Bush Administration.”

Clinton continued, “Once he (Cheney) is out of office, the Secret Service is not around to protect people from him. We better be careful about where he goes hunting. Safety protocol would be useful, don’t’ you think?”

Yep, that was a good one Hillary. A real knee slapper, especially for the faux outraged of our nation, but being such an avid hunter (and markesman) you know all about those pesky "safety protocols" for weapons. When hunters don't follow protocol, why, it is just simply outrageous!

Here we just call it gun safety or gun control. It is similar to the control necessary when you are throwing a slider with an ashtray. You didn't have control if you didn't nail Bill right in the head.

Wisconsin Primary Could Be Interesting

I guessing a Obama or Kucinich win, but recommend against drinking the Koolaid bong water which will make one act like a badger relative, the skunk.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Obama Drives A Lincoln

From Ben Keeler

Now Chafee has endorsed Obama - no real surprise, the fake, most leftist Republican endorses the most left wing Democrat in the Senate.


Ryan Newman

Kurt Busch

Tony Stewart

Kyle Busch

Dale Earnhardt, Jr

UPDATE: Texas Fred commented that the Bud car is now Kasey Kahne and not Jr (he came in 9th) and he be absolutely correct though my wife thinks Kasey is actually Bill Elliott's love child.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Audrey Hepburn Strickland On Fox News

Strickland looks like he is doing a Hepburn imitation while making Shermanesque statements about not being a VP candidate because he wants to stay in the heart of it all, Ohio. Really Gov, we don't want to impose. If you feel you must, please go. Why wait?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Government Knows Best You Moron

'£10 licence to smoke' proposed
Smokers would have to get a licence to light up under the planSmokers could be forced to pay £10 for a permit to buy tobacco if a government health advisory body gets its way.

Professor Le Grand, a former adviser to ex-PM Tony Blair, said cash raised by the proposed scheme would go to the NHS.

He said it was the inconvenience of getting a permit - as much as the cost - that would deter people from persisting with the smoking habit.

"You've got to get a form, a complex form - the government's good at complex forms; you have got to get a photograph.

"It's a little bit of a problem to actually do it, so you have got to make a conscious decision every year to opt in to being a smoker."

It seems there is a '£10 licence fee to think in England these days, but then it's '£10 cheaper to be mentally constipated. Government wide that is quite a saving.

Putin Endorses Clinton?

The former KGB lieutenant colonel appeared to lash out at U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton — a leading Democratic candidate for president — when one reporter quoted her as saying that former KGB officers have no soul:

"At a minimum, a head of state should have a head," Putin said.

"Vlad the Enjailer" isn't exciting sympathy for Hillary for nothing. Could he be showing his affection by picking on her?

St. Valentine Day Scavenger

From Tony Phyrillas' fine blog:

Valentine's Day thieves hit Victoria's Secret at Pa. mall

Police say lingerie lifted from a Victoria's Secret store in southeastern Pennsylvania wasn't just a last minute Valentine's gift.

The theft happened Thursday at Coventry Mall in Chester County, 30 miles northeast of Philadelphia. But police Sgt. Robert Malason says the magnitude of the undergarment grab is "beyond personal use."

North Coventry Township police count up the midday Valentine's Day haul at 250 pairs of women's undergarments including $1,875 worth of thongs and briefs.

Police say two men are being sought.

They're sentences could be brief.

Charles Sheeler - Ford Motor Plant 1928

In 1927-28 Sheeler was commissioned by the Ford Motor Company to document the Red River Plant in Michigan, a work that marked him as an admirer of machinery and industrial landscapes.

Rowan Is Rowing With One Oar

The gathering storm
An archbishop's outburst highlights a broader crisis in his church

“ANGLICANISM, it seems, is coming apart. It is ceasing to be, it is disintegrating...” Those cheery words, uttered two weeks ago by an American bishop, Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh, drew cries of approval from traditionalists across the world who have little sympathy with the efforts of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to hold together the 80m-strong worldwide Anglican Communion.

The American prelate went on to predict that out of the fall of the “Elizabethan settlement” (the 16th-century bargain between the Tudor monarchs and England's national church) something truer to Christianity's roots would emerge, presumably based on an alliance between America's conservative minority, the Africans and evangelicals in other places like Australia.

Go here to read the rest. It almost reads as an obituary. Does that mean Rowan gets 72 virgins or a comped date with Sharia?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Finkbeiner 'Too Smart' To Apologize To Little People

Council votes to apologize; resolution aims to squelch mayor vs. Marines flap
Mayor Finkbeiner’s office yesterday released dozens of e-mails sent to city hall showing support for his decision. The office received many more negative e-mails.

During his State of the City address Monday, Mr. Finkbeiner said he would choose to again cancel a Marine training exercise in downtown Toledo, despite the backlash.

Later in the day, Mr. Finkbeiner e-mailed several Marine officers a “formal invitation” back to the city.

“I have further stated my desire to have the U.S. Marine Corp. [sic] conduct training exercises in the city of Toledo, wherever appropriate, with the probable exception of the central business district,” the e-mail said.

Mr. Finkbeiner said downtown, particularly on a weekday afternoon, was not suitable for military staging operations because as many as 14,000 people would have been departing their office buildings at the same time. He also said thousands of schoolchildren would have been transferring buses downtown Friday just as the exercise was to have begun.

I would like to hear from some Toledoans about whether the heavy traffic Finkbeiner is describing is true or not. I have been told that that downtown Toledo is so dead that Hoffa's body could be kept there on weekends without a soul to see it.

Maybe the Marines should do an exercise at the Ottawa County Jail. That way Carty and Amy can kill two birds with one stone by visiting Amy's boy and watching the military exercise to make sure the mean old mawines don't scare anybody unnecessarily.

HT to Weasel

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Daytona This Saturday

Lee Petty and Johnny Beauchamp, principles in the historic photo finish at the end of the inaugural Daytona 500 in 1959, were involved in a horrifying last-lap crash in the second Twin 100-miler in 1961. After Beauchamp's #73 Chevrolet snagged the rear bumper of Petty's #42 Plymouth, both cars broke through the guard­rail and soared out of the speedway. Petty suffered multiple life-threatening injuries, while Beauchamp sustained less serious head injuries. See more pictures of NASCAR.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Che Obama & Clinton

If a picture is's 3,000 words.

.........Obama office.................................Obama office...................Hillary supporter

Gene Nichol Brought Down By A Wren & Sex Work With William & Mary

Gene Nichol made some really poor choices which he compounded with poor decisions, but he's taking his toys home to pout all because of the censorship. Sounds to me like Gene is confusing immature behavior with passionate activism. Either way it will suit him well as a teacher of the law.

Former UNC-Chapel Hill law dean Gene Nichol, a forceful liberal voice and an occasional lightning rod, resigned abruptly today as president of the College of William & Mary in Virginia.

In a letter to William & Mary supporters, Nichol said he was informed Sunday by college leaders that his contract would not be renewed in July. He then decided to step down immediately, and, in a parting shot, said he refused an offer of "substantial economic incentives" to remain quiet about the reasons for his departure.
TO: William & Mary
RE: Fleas and dogs
FROM: Alumni, citizens of Virginia and supporters
Your looking flea bitten. Stop laying with dogs and sex workers.

I Got Yer Multi-Cultured Jesus Right Here


There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:

1. He called everyone brother

2. He liked Gospel

3 . He didn't get a fair trial

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:

1.He went into his father's business.

2. He lived at home until he was 33

3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his MotherWas sure He was God

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:

1. He talked with His hands

2. He had wine with His meals

3. He used olive oil

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian:

1. He never cut His hair

2. He walked around barefoot all the time

3. He started a new religion

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian:

1. He was at peace with nature

2. He ate a lot of fish

3. He talked about the Great Spirit

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:

1. He never got married.

2. He was always telling stories.

3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:

1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was virtually no food

2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it

3. And even when He was dead, He had to get up because there was still work to do.

By e-mail

The Two Faces Of Eve Obama

Michael Ramirez

Toledo's Finkbeiner Meltdown Continues

Right Wing Champ is all over this.

My favorite is the morons who think this is to defend us from Canada. Go read about this, maybe contact Miss Marcey Kaptur about having her duck taping Finkbeiner's mouth. While Finkbeiner gets progressively more stupid, Marcy is a Progressive.

Berkeley East; Toledo Mayor Finkbeiner Kicks The Marines Out

You know, Toodeledoo coulda been the prize possession of Michigan. Yes, I meant to say prize possession.

The various surveys resulted in a 50-year dispute over the Toledo Strip, which was only five miles wide at the Indiana border and eight miles wide at Lake Erie. Although it has been reported that no shots were fired, Ohio and Michigan militia units were sent to the Toledo Strip between 1835 and 1837. But luck was on Ohio's side. At the time, the Compromise of 1820 allowed the admission of one slave state for one free state. Michigan and Missouri were to be admitted as states, but only when Michigan surrendered the Toledo Strip to Ohio. The reason? Probably because a Presidential election was coming up. State of Ohio residents could vote, while Michigan Territory residents could not.

Ohio might not feel so lucky now.

No More Clinton Bimbo Eruptions, Promise

Clinton, speaking on WJLA Channel 7 in Washington and, also promised there would be no new scandals involving her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

The senator was asked a question from a reader in Santa Monica, Calif., who was seeking assurance that "no new business or personal scandal involving Bill Clinton" could erupt if she were in the White House and give fodder to Republicans.

"You know, I can assure this reader that that is not going to happen," she said. "You know, none of us can predict the future, no matter who we are and what we are running for, but I am very confident that that will not happen."

Okay, she promises no more eruptions, but she admits to being merely mortal by saying she can't predict more eruptions won't happen. The empress has an acne problem which seems to erupt at the most inopportune moments because she still dealing with a teenager at home.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Obama Momma's Faux Pas Or Social Blunder

Obama. If one thinks this new-comer is ready is more a statement on the supporter rather than the ever hopeful candidate. That a wife thinks her spouse should use his heart rather than his brain is a traditional faux pas that even Pat Nixon didn't do twice.

Michelle Obama Solidifies Her Role in the Election
On a conference call to prepare for a recent debate, Barack Obama brainstormed with his top advisers on the fine points of his positions. Michelle Obama had dialed in to listen, but finally couldn't stay silent any longer.

"Barack," she interjected, "Feel -- don't think!" Telling her husband his "over-thinking" during past debates had tripped him up with rival Hillary Clinton, she said: "Don't get caught in the weeds. Be visceral. Use your heart -- and your head."

Hillary down for the count? Bring on Obama. The only problem with the Democrat Party is that it is filled with Democrats.

Poor Al Gore

If Al Baby endorses Obama, poor Obama.

Here's a map of where Al has been. If aLgore said Hades is hot, Hell would freeze over, but he'd still make a buck and a headline.
But remember, weather is not climate, but climate is weather. So if you have a lot of cold weather, especially freezing weather, that's Al Gore a climate of global warming made by man and not the earth because Mother Earth is a nice Mother, but one bad mother when messed with. Whatever.

Tom Lantos Is Dead

Rep. Tom Lantos Dies
Lantos Was The Only Holocaust Survivor To Serve In Congress

Lantos, who referred to himself as "an American by choice," was born to Jewish parents in Budapest, Hungary, and was 16 when Adolf Hitler occupied Hungary in 1944. He survived by escaping twice from a forced labor camp and coming under the protection of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who used his official status and visa-issuing powers to save thousands of Hungarian Jews.

Lantos turned 80 on Feb. 1.

Lantos' mother and much of his family died in the Holocaust.

I disagreed with Tom Lantos on just about everything, including the correct time of day, but I never questioned his sincerity or his integrity. It wasn't that Rep. Lantos and I were friends or even that aware of each other personally, but we did talk and faced off in different meetings and hearings. He liked to dislike me and my kind and as I returned the favor, we'd both smile and continue on our paths. He was elected and I was not. He played a much larger role in the pageantry of Washington, but I knew the steam tunnels and how to get documents that some didn't want anyone to have. We were not equals. I just helped my boss be at least as equal, if not more. If I said black, he’d say white, but I liked and respected him as a person.

Tom Lantos had seen the face of the beast and he knew the beast had many faces. He knew that what he saw as a child was still occurring in the gulags of the USSR and the current Russia, in the communist horrors of China and Southeast Asia and the dark continent of Africa. He knew the beast had many faces, many complexions and many justifications, but Lantos fought back with knowledge that only a survivor could possess.

I hope that as his family surrounded him he also saw and was welcomed by those that went too fast before him.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Toledo's Finkbeiner, Another Loser From Palooser

via Right Wing Champ.

Berkeley East; Toledo Mayor Finkbeiner Kicks The Marines Out

A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner.

Berkeley in Ohio? Nah, Berkeley has sun and fun. Toledo has been working hard over time without the extra pay by electing nuts to maintain their downward spiral into obscurity from a great city to nothingness. It's a union town. A brother, can you spare a dime type of wet spot in the road that one passes fast to get where they really want to go. It's like watching an old time funeral on grainy film as a guy in a pork pie hat asks you if it's over yet. The town just makes you feel old looking at it.

Carty is just another sad example of those elected to represent Toledo. This guy is a wackjob from the get-go. He's also crossed that normally protective goal post moving line by becoming a disresepectful moron to our good troops.

From the Wikipedia, documentarian of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy:

Toledo restaurateur John Skiadas filed a law-suit alleging that Finkbeiner physically and verbally assaulted him at the Erie Street Market in 2000. The lawsuit was dismissed by Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Charles Wittenberg in 2004.[1][2]

Finkbeiner was the focus of a segment on the Daily Show poking fun at statements he made suggesting that Toledo could be the next Hollywood. During the interview, Carty expressed his ideas while the camera fixated on Toledo's most rundown neighborhoods, contrasting them with the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. The segment aired during the 1997-98 season.

On July 1, 1998, Carty was fined $400 and court costs after pleading guilty to ethics charges when he was Mayor, realized a $10,000 profit from Owens Corning's purchase of his condo, and his failure to publicly report the gain.[citation needed]

He plagiarized a single line in his KICK-OFF speech in 1998.[3]

Finkbeiner suggested relieving the problem of noise complaints from neighbors of Toledo Express Airport by selling homes nearby at low cost to deaf people.[4]

In early 2006, political adversaries scoffed over the Mayor spending $9,996 of city money to complete the installation of shower facilities in his City Government building office. The project was considered "controversial" in part because the shower quote was originally $10,006, six dollars over a threshold that requires approval from City Council. The contractor was able to shave $10 from the project, thus avoiding a Council vote on the proposal. [5]

In 2004, Finkbeiner experienced health problems and underwent bypass surgery.[6]

In May 2006, he called Toledo's African-American Fire Chief Michael Bell “King Kong” at a staff meeting. Finkbeiner later clarified his remarks as relating to the Chiefs physical stature, and Chief Bell has acknowledged in public that he took no offense to the remarks.[7]

In June 2006, Jack Smith resigned from his brief tenure as Chief of Police after what he described as a near-physical confrontation with the mayor after they exchanged words.[8]

In January 2007, Finkbeiner claimed that both he and wife Amy were treated unprofessionally by Ottawa County sheriff's deputies when they tried to visit Amy's son, an inmate, on separate occasions. Amy Finkbeiner claimed she was not allowed to use a ladies' room at the jail, while Finkbeiner said he was denied a chance to visit after visiting hours had concluded. Sheriff Bob Bratton said the deputies were only doing their jobs. [9]

Also, in Jaunary 2007 Finkbeiner and his press secretary were sued by radio station WSPD, claiming that First Amendment provisions regarding freedom of the press were violated when the press secretary forcibly kept a station employee out of a public press conference. Finkbeiner's objection to the employee is that he produces opinions and editorials, and is not in fact a reporter on behalf of WSPD. On January 31, a federal judge granted the station a permanent injunction requiring Finkbeiner and his staff to admit station personnel.[10]

FinkBeiner has also suggested a cafe be built on the Martin Luther King bridge so city employees could eat there while the bridge was undergoing construction. [11]

In August 2007, Finkbeiner was confronted on two occasions by reporters because he parked in a handicapped spot and left his dog in the car during a hot spell. Finkbeiner was ticketed and fined, but denied mistreating the animal.[12]

In February 2008, Finkbeiner refused to let a company of Marine Corps Reservists engage in urban patrol exercises on the streets of downtown as well as inside the mostly vacant Madison Building, 607 Madison Ave. Toledo police knew about the event three days in advance, but it wasn't until the Marines arrived that "the mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people," said Brian Schwartz, the mayor's spokesman.[13]

Anybody that mistreats an animal isn't fit for office and that is overlooking the fact that this man appears to be unfit to walk the streets of any town in Ohio including those streets that our troops were going to train on for future missions to protect us. Maybe from the likes of Finkbeiner.

Buckle Up

Romney Wins CPAC Straw Poll Despite Withdrawing

It's going to be a rough ride. If we can get everybody who has given up and tried to take their little rubber duckies home, this could get interesting.

My favorite documentary, Blazing Saddles, might put it this way:

Howard Johnson:
You know, Nietzsche says, "Out of chaos comes order."

Olson Johnson:
Oh, blow it out your *$$, Howard.

Hillary, you Goldwater girl, you.

Hey Hillary, Pimp Your Mouth


This is a joke, right? Thank God it wasn't a state trooper who made that comment. Hill the pill would've sworn so loud and hit him so hard Bill would've gone deaf and felt the impact.

Wash your mouth out. Jeez, what a court jester you pot callin' kettle.


Less than half the day gone and I'm catching my wind. The short version is that I got to speak with Morton Blackwell, a man who has walked the walk on getting things done for years, I also had a brief, but wonderful chat with Phyllis Schlafly (my mother adored her), I spoke with Grover Norquist if only to thank him for his staffs' incrediable help to me while here and many others. I also got to briefly say hi to Ed Morrisey of Captains Quarters. He hadn't the first clue as to who I might be, but he was very gracious.

Ms. Coulter had quite a line for her book signing and the line for Newt's booksigning is already massive and willing to wait.

I'm having lunch.

Friday, February 08, 2008

National Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul

Great cathedrals and small chapels will inspire you as do great thunderous canyons and small rills. Even as I have witnessed the church I was baptized in (twice), grew in, confirmed in, was an acolyte in and left because of my perception of its failing, the National Cathedral in Washington DC, built by man, holds a hope and nod to the glory of God that I wish all could see, if only once.

Even as a child I was mesmoized by the builders, sculptors and caretakers that labored every day to physically raise a temple that showed their praise. I once went to a demonstration of cartooning and the sculpting of gargoyles and an Italian stone artist was asked if his was just a job after 20 years of working on the cathedral. He replied that working for the Lord could never be just a job because it is a joy and a calling. He was hunched with a bad back and arthritic hands and knees and the most sparkling eyes that smiled.

My grandmother once remarked that I was baptized twice just like lettuce is washed twice when one is worried about the cleanliness of it. I loved every inch of that 4' 11" titan.

I went to the Cathedral today. I walked from where President Reagan was shot by that poor demented fool. I walked past where I had once lived. I walked past the school I had sucessfully tested and interviewed with and was to attend, but never did. I dallied in the Bishop's garden and tried to find gargoyles I memorized as a child and finally I went down to the crypts and to the Bethlehem Chapel where we said goodbye to my sister Barbara to sit for a while and remember.

It was bittersweet as all those that have gone before seemed to be there to help me remember including that little titan who considered "Ipocals" heathen. Even those washed twice.

So Sue Me

I'm at CPAC in DC. This is my first trip since my heart surgery and I will admit that I am pooped. Things in DC haven't changed much since I left. As I used to do I took the Metro bus from Dulles to DC, still a deal at $3.10 and still predictable as the bus was 50 minutes late getting to Dulles.

CPAC is not as well attended as it used to be which is an obvious shame. I caught up with some good friends, heard some great speakers and wondered how the excitement I witnessed could be transferred back to the grass roots. I know how it can't be tranferred as I saw empty booths that yesterday contained Romney supporters, people actually dewy eyed over his departure and heard people grouse. If I didn't have such a strong belief in the people of this country I would be depressed, but I refuse to cave in to that feeling. There is too much at stake.

Tonight I had dinner with a group of people that I respect and the discussion was lively, intelligent and a good look at what could be, but there was a new person dining with us who exclaimed that they wanted the Democrats to take the election because then we could blame them and sweep in 2012 because John McCain is such a disappointment. With my usual aplomb and grace I stated that their statement was a crock of crap and if I took that view I would be disappointed in myself for being part of it because losers always lose. I believe even the restaurant staff stopped and stared at me.

A friend sitting next to me said something along the lines of, "Well, you always did say what was on your mind. It got you fired and it got you hired", to fill the volume vacuum and lighten the moment. It turned out the person who had spoken is married to one of the major fundraisers for the Republican Party and as I just shook my head in disgust, they left in a huff. Somewhat still angry I said, "So, sue me" and the table burst into laughter. Many at the table are Buckeye fans so I asked them if Tressel should refuse to go to games if he doesn't get his top recruit and was promptly told that I had gone too far. It was almost enough to make me want to move back to the District of Calamity.

The rest of dinner was a state by state analysis and projected turnouts if this or that occured and those that remained left in better spirits and a little clearer on what needs to be done.

Long day tomorrow and lots of more friends to catch up with.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

That'll Wake You In The Morning

Obama, Hillary, Whoever, We Can Do Better, But Only If We Think First

Our next president will be inaugurated at a pivotal time in America's timeline. That person, if they have the desire, will and savvy, can avert the next cold war before it begins by learning from the past. America has vaults full of knowledge and background on what it needs to do, but it will be worthless in the wrong hands.

Unlike the last cold war America will be facing two old enemies, Russia and China, that also have learned from their failures, are far richer than before and are still filled with hatred for us, The United States of America.

Putin's New Cold War
Russia may call the shots in its acrimonious relationship with NATO, but the real economic power still lies with the West. "The free market cannot be decoupled from the free society," Mr. Lucas states. As long as Europe and America do not abandon the small, weak states in Russia's sphere of influence, they can prevent the new Cold War from spiralling out of control.

The Cold War was all about beating the Soviet Union at its own game, while keeping a clear sense of the ideological and moral gulf that separated the two systems. The Lucas thesis is in essence a plea for "a renewal of both that moral competition and moral distance."

In the War on Terror, the West's greatest enemy is itself, as in the Cold War. "Until we make it clear that we believe in our own values," Mr. Lucas argues, "we cannot defend ourselves against the subversion and corruption that are leaking into our citadels of economic and political power."
That's the point: we must believe in our own values. If we who have lived by this Judaeo-Christian moral code — including freedom, democracy, and the rule of law — do not proclaim it and fight to preserve it, why should the Russians, who have lived under one form of despotism or another since time immemorial, suddenly adopt it as their own?

Whether it is defending itself against Islamofascism or Putinism, the Atlantic alliance must believe in its own mission before it can win the war of ideas.

Could an Obama who will not salute a United States flag or say the Pledge of Allegiance possibly believe in our values or will the Afro-centric teachings of his church and advisors disallow that? Is it remotely possible that a Hillary Clinton could fill her heart with the love and resolve to defend America at all costs? No to both. Obama won't because of who he is and who we are. Hillary refuses to love anything more than herself.

Adding Islamofascism into the mix of a renewed cold war with puny Putin and whoever hasn't died lately in Beijing is a frightening thought, especially when we the voters are trying to figure out who is the pick of the litter in this presidential campaign.

Obama or Hillary leading with Pelosi and Reid gives me the chills and for you that are pontificating about your dislike of the current Republican Party better get the burr out of your panties and start thinking like adults again.

Archbishop Must Think Sharia Is A Gay Clergyman's Name

The Archbishop of Canterbury has today said that the adoption of Islamic Sharia law in the UK is "unavoidable" and that it would help maintain social cohesion.

Rowan Williams told BBC Radio 4's World At One that the UK has to "face up to the fact" that some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system.

He says that Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court.

He says Muslims should not have to choose between "the stark alternatives of cultural loyalty or state loyalty".

Maybe Rowan can get his buddy, the deadly doctor of Syria, President Bashar al-Assad , to get Islam on board for his next secret gay clergy and partners funfest and communion and memorial for Arafat. Then the archbishop of Canterbury can see up close the stark alternatives of having versus losing one's head when gays are introduced to Sharia. Maybe Rowan is thinking of having Canterbury become a haven as a Sharia Free Zone. It's already a Christianity Free Zone.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hillary Clinton Is Her Own Capitalist Running Dog


Yep, dipping into her robber baron's bank account to rule the little people, but she's really just walking not running and she's not a capitalist. She's just a tired rich old yellow dog Democrat.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Did McCain Violate McCain Feingold In West Virginia?

Are McCain and Huckabee cutting backroom deals in West Virginia to ensure McCain's victory in the Republican presidential primary? What's McCain promising Huckabee for the dirty work is a question that should be asked, but a better question may be what is Huckabee asking for? Whatever it is, it probably is not in the part of the Bible that is teaching good.

Romney camp accuses McCain, Huckabee of shady West Virginia deal

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign accused Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee of “a backroom deal” that gave the early Super Tuesday win in West Virginia to Huckabee.

Romney, who addressed the state GOP convention in person Tuesday, comfortably led the first ballot at the convention, leading to a three-way second ballot contest between the three contenders.

By working together these two campaigns have co-mingled efforts which means they have co-mingled campaign money. Isn't that against the law, not party rules, but against the laws that McCain stamped his name on to make people forget the Keating Five scandel?

I think Mr. Religiousity and Mr. Hero are neither. Shame on both.

Leave the backroom deals to the Clintons.

We Actually Pay For Intellectual Stupidity Everyday

Smokers and the obese cheaper to care for, study shows

Preventing obesity and smoking can save lives, but it does not save money, according to a new report.

It costs more to care for healthy people who live years longer, according to a Dutch study that counters the common perception that preventing obesity would save governments millions of dollars.

"It was a small surprise," said Pieter van Baal, an economist at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands, who led the study. "But it also makes sense. If you live longer, then you cost the health system more."

In a paper published online Monday in the Public Library of Science Medicine journal, Dutch researchers found that the health costs of thin and healthy people in adulthood are more expensive than those of either fat people or smokers.

Monday, February 04, 2008

McCain, Obama, Hillary And Coulterites

I've heard what Ann Coulter, Tammy Bruce and others have said about not voting for John McCain if the Senator from Arizona is the Republican nominee. In fact, they say they will vote for the Democrat or this year's Perot wanna-be whether it is Ron Paul or Michael Bloomberg.

Welcome to American politics you morons.

My candidate dropped out and others have implied the media did him in. Doesn't matter. I got over it and I'm no bigger a boy than you. Put your liberal little whiney rags away and act like people that have made America great.

You sound like those that cry "traitor" at Oprah because she is backing a black guy instead of a white woman.

I've had people ask me what Reagan would do. He'd tell you to stop acting like the morons in the 1964 Republican Party that tried to undermine Goldwater before and after his nomination. Those people took their little warm fuzzies back to the country club to sulk. Reagan didn't give them the time. He showed up at the country clubs and gave them a Gipper.

Are you going to wring your hands and wail and gnash your teeth as a Hillary Democrat takes the White House? Oh yeah, I've heard the brilliant words of those who tell us that by doing that we will really show the NRC (and everyone else I suppose you different drummers, you) that they better not screw with the real (silent?) majority. You people must be the ones doing the Ron Paul polls to actually believe you represent the majority because if you do, you've done a piss-poor job of representation. Your majority isn't listening which asks just what service are you doing the nation by helping to elect one of the two most socialist liberal Democrats in the nation to our highest office giving their ilk a leg up in all the other elections being held the same day.

I don't know which is worse, a black racist who is more liberal than Hillary or that Hillary would have to take Bill in and promise not to change the locks again.

When the economy tanks, taxes go up, and families in America, Iraq and Afghanistan have been truly screwed by the likes of Waxman, Kennedy, Schumer, Pelosi, Reid, Kucinich (and the other serving progressives) and Hillary or an Obama you will have really stood up for your beliefs?

As our disgraced and bitter troops are avoided or belittled on the streets of America and around the world I can just see you give that smug look, puff up your chests and say. "If those silly people would have only listened to ME!"

As my boss used to say, "Screw you and the high horse you rode in."

I say, stop acting like you're one of the Democrat Coalition and start participating in our, your, Republic.

Obama, Empty Suits, Empty Seats

You won't see this in most of the news photography, because photographers are packed into press risers, opposite whatever backdrop -- a crowd, a flag -- the campaign prefers.

But while Obama has held some very large rallies in some very small cities -- 14,000 in Boise! -- there have also been quite a few empty seats at some of the bigger venues. (It takes, of course, a certain amount of confidence to stage an event in a huge arena. You won't shut anyone out, but you run the risk of being annoyed by blog items like this one. Obama isn't concerned he'll be seen as having smaller crowds, and where there have been head-to-head crowd counts with Clinton, they vastly favor him.)

An Obama aide said there were 8,000 people in Los Angeles yesterday for a rally with Michelle, Oprah, and Caroline Kennedy, in an arena with a capacity of about 13,000, above.

Here in the Meadowlands in New Jersey today, at the 20,000 capacity Izod Center, about four five of the 28 sections in the lower tier are full, and two more tiers of sections are closed. Hundreds more people are packed in on the floor. The two sets of press risers, of course, face the crowded sections.

At least it's not Hillary's suits. I hope.

via Politico