Thursday, January 10, 2008

Most Clueless Secretary Of State Pegs Bush As Worst Prez

It is like Chicken Little complaining that the sky isn't falling.

Albright: Bush 'One of the Worst Presidencies' in History
Former Secretary of State pegs global warming and adjusting to globalization as goals for next president.

The stately ex- Sec of St began with an unbiased promotion of her new book;

“Memo to the President Elect: How We Can Restore America's Reputation and Leadership.”

Albright believes the real future of the next president is;

Albright served under former Vice President Al Gore, one of the staunch global warming “cheerleaders” who advocates a pledge that would require all developed nations to curb their greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent.

Mad is a little short on logic, but not partisanship.

UPDATE: This Ain't Hell has some excellent thoughts on Chairwoman Halfbright:

Um. Damn, that is just halfway stupid isn’t it? Yes, we need to know what other nation’s interests are, but, the President’s job is NOT to cater to the wishes of foreigners. I guess Albright could be an authority on the interests of North Korea…