Liberated? This is a joke isn't it? Liberated? As in having Welcome Wagon at Auswich? Maybe milk and cookies for the victims in the Katyn Forest, just before the massacre? Maybe a nice cup of cocoa for those the soviets disagreed with in the Hungary of 1956?
The soviets liberated Berlin through rape, pillaging, murder, imprisionment, slaverly and occupation.
Liberated? We should have hung all these "liberators" for being the murderous thugs they were/are and for generally being a festering boil on the ass of humanity.

Peter Fechter lies dying after being shot by East German border guards. This photo achieved international notoriety, 1962.

Dead end tram lines at the Berlin Wall. After the wall came down West Berlin hoped to join east and west lines for economic improvement. They couldn't because the communists tore up the old tracks and replaced them with a different gauge rail line making the joining impossible. East Berlin and Germany still suffer because of this and the other "improvements" the communists made.

Ministry for State Security Archives (GDR): Is “Stop or Liquidate” Order a Major Discovery or Old News?
“Do not hesitate to use your firearm, not even when the border
is breached in the company of women and children, which is a tactic the traitors
have often used,” the key passage said.

I sometimes wonder if some future generations, perhaps my daughter�s, will come to believe that communist East Germany was a wonderful place.
It wasn't. Everything was tinny and thin and dusty. Beer was very cheap, but flat and thin. The newspapers were tiny, on rough paper, and the pictures in them were posed and awkward, with flash-generated shadows behind every smiling head. Shops had a lot of empty shelves, and the goods on offer were all odd and shabby products from other "socialist"lands.
Soviet memorial to their "liberation" of Berlin.
Why has there never been an international tribune for a war crimes trial for the communists? As murderers the communists made Hitler a novice.