Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Veterans Getting Screwed?

I just saw this on Fox News and if it is true I hope they track down the bureaucrat who ordered this, whether they wear a uniform or not, and beat them to death with a lost limb left boot.

Wounded Soldier: Military Wants Part Of Bonus Back
The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service
personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve out their

To get people to sign up, the military gives enlistment bonuses up
to $30,000 in some cases.

Now men and women who have lost arms, legs, eyesight, hearing and can no longer serve are being ordered to pay some of that money back.

One of them is Jordan Fox, a young soldier from the South Hills.

And for those on the left, I am tired of your whiny lies and pedantic tirades about your false morality, so if you blame this on President Bush I hope you are beaten to death by a lost limb right boot. Slowly.

3 - 2 - 1 UPDATE: The Carpetbagger Report wasted no time starting the lie. Giv'em the boot.

UPDATE II: Our soldiers are the best. Even with the lies and hate of the media, educators, ner-do-wells, bureaucrats, the Democratic party and all the anti-freedomwar loons, our military stays focused and would return to duty because they believe in the mission and want to serve their country honorably. Honorably being the operative word.

As a nation we have a tremendous amount to be thankful for tomorrow on our national day of Thanksgiving. This family will not only have a prayer for them, but all troops as well as our family members serving will be part of our celebration.