Friday, November 23, 2007

Gore Kills Tweety Bird

Emory building draped in black to save birds

Many crash into environmentally friendly design with soaring glass windows

It is one of Emory University's most environmentally friendly buildings, a
hallmark of the institution's efforts to "go green." To hear John Wegner
describe it, it's also a slaughterhouse.

The soaring glass windows in Emory's Mathematics and Science Center reflect
the woodsy view, confusing hapless birds who smash into it at full speed.

"The building killed 60 birds in the first year," said Wegner, Emory's
chief environmental officer. "It was the wall of death."
Al "Baby Boom Boom" Gore just wasn't happy making us spend thousands of dollars more for environmentally safe washers and dryers that don't work nor is Al, aka Sylvester, sorry for getting us addicted to his world wide Internet; now he's upsetting nature and endangering whole segments of birdom.

Proposed memorial to Tweety outside of Emory's Mathmatics and Science Center

Officials were unable to pinpoint exactly when Tweety "bought the farm", but he's wittle body is expected to be found among the victims of the "Green massacre":
Turns out, environmentally friendly buildings are often bird killers.

Ornithologist Daniel Klem, a professor at Muhlenberg College in
Pennsylvania who has studied the problem for decades, said between 100 million
and 1 billion birds die in the United States each year in collisions with
Repeated phone calls to President Gore have not been returned. PETA and ASPCA spokesman Elmer Fudd was out of the office, but issued a statement referring to "inconvienent truths" that his reported hunting habits might include roadkill and unintended "healthy building" death collateral.