Wednesday, September 19, 2007

FDT Sends No Flowers To Hillary

Fred said:

“What is it that makes liberals think the best way to help somebody is
to punish them?”

“I understand Hillary Clinton has just acknowledged that her new
health care plan could require somebody to actually prove they’ve got insurance
before they can get a job. You know, a job — the thing that would help you get
health care. That kind of mindset is that the government knows best and if you
don’t agree, then you’re just going to have to pay for it, one way or the other.
The best way to improve the best health care in the world, which is what we’ve
got right here in the United States, is to expand choice, not

“To some Democrats, choice to them is like a cross is to a vampire —
they don’t like to see it coming down the road. Hillary says, don’t worry about
it — the punishment — because the exact punitive measures they’d come up with
would be worked out by congress. That’s a thought scary enough to make you

Hillary Care is way too scary. Will she allow crosses above the beds? Nah. But vampires....

From Stop The ACLU via Protein Wisdom