Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Black Book of Communism

The Black Book of Communism became possible with the opening of the archives of the USSR. The book, first published in France 1997, chronicles the brutality, murder and oppression of communism throughout its history. With wild ho-hums and yawns by our fabulous intellectual class the book is now available here in the land of freedom. Freedom allows for ho-hums and yawns, even in church. That is not so in the lands of communism. Yawn in the church of Stalin and you'll get a bullet through the brain pan and your family will be billed for the cost of the bullet.

I grew up with parents that believed communism was a brutal and horrid form of government when actually put in place. Through lots of research they put a price to living in a worker's paradise. Boy, oh boy, were they wrong. Their numbers were way low. It appears the price of workers living in paradise was a bit pricier than even my parents thought, at least in terms of pain, misery, death and mass murder. All state planned by the bureaucrats of paradise.

In the early 1980s while working in DC and doing a lot of research I was moved to produce a bumper sticker that simply said "Communism kills". I still see some of those now and then and The Black Book of Communism proves that simple statement.

Communism is the big brother encompassing all the little evil "isms" including its bastard little brothers, socialism and liberalism.
