Thursday, August 16, 2007

Jane Hamsher - Natural Born Kidder

The offense

Markos Moulitsas’s hate-site The Daily Kos, the foul-mouthed fem-blog
FiredogLake, and other ‘netroots’ extremists like, have become the
dominant fundraisers for Tom Allen’s senate campaign.
The defense

I don't use the "c" word personally, though I'm hardly a saint on that front
— nothing gets Michelle Malkin's blood boiling faster than to remind her that I
once called Kate O'Beirne "sandpaper snatch." Since that time it's been refined
by the community (thanks to punaise) into "Ole 60 Grit" and it has become
something of blogospheric lore — Jim O'Beirne's notorious hiring of Heritage
Foundation interns for the CPA is now commonly referred to as the "60 Grit
Employment Agency." We are, first and foremost, writers (and artists) here on
this site, and I will not impose limitations on how people can express
themselves here. We test the edges of communication, and in doing so often get
perilously close to the edge and occasionally step over. It's what makes us
exciting, challenging and interesting, in the tradition of Lenny Bruce or Hunter
S. Thompson.

The above is actually tame for Ms. Hamsher which probably disappoints the ghost of Lenny the Bruce.

What does one expect from the person who gave us Natural Born Killers .