Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ron Paul and His Loveable Band of Wackos

As I've said before, Ron Paul has some good ideas. Is this the candidate and are these the people we want in charge?

'NYT': Ron Paul for President -- Of the 'Wackos'?

A feature piece in this coming Sunday's New York Times Magazine on
Republican candidate for president, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, portrays his
followers as including a wild mix of "wackos" on both ends of the political
spectrum. Paul, a libertarian, has been gaining media and public attention of

The cover line reads: "A Genuine Radical for President." The headline
inside: "The Antiwar, Anti-Abortion, Anti-Drug-Enforcement-Administration,
Anti-medicare Candidacy of Dr. Ron Paul."

The article closes with the author, Christopher Caldwell, attending a
Ron Paul Meetup in Pasadena. The co-host, Connie Ruffley of United Republicans
of California, admits she once was a member of the radical right John Birch
Society and when she asks for a show of hands "quite a few" attendees reveal
that they were or are members, too. She refers to Sen. Dianne Feinstein as
"Fine-Swine" and attacks Israel, pleasing some while others "walked

Okay, start with the "He was misquoted" and then change the subject. Oh, don't forget to tell me to read the Constitution, etc.

That is the way to win votes and at an avergae of 10 votes per coffee klatch, you only have 6,204,000 to victory!