Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Liberals Love the Troops Through Lies and Greed

Via Protein Wisdom

From Wonkette: Tillman executed by American soldiers on orders from higher ups

No, I won't link to Wonkette. Besides, with my meter count her server couldn't take it.

I won't link to this story except to those that are truly trying to find the truth, because Wonkette and those like her are lower than a rat bastard for trying to make this story true just to hurt our efforts and troops and to build her miserable meter count.

You can get a good round up of this story from Ace of Spades.

When the story first started percolating out of their cesspool I had these thoughts. Now, I will let you read Ace and Jeff because I am too angry to write coherently and without swearing which I do not like to do, especially on this blog, but to use an honorable man for their dishonorable goals is just too.......