Thursday, June 14, 2007

General Pace Is Incompetent Says Harry Reid

Reid labels military leader 'incompetent'

Reid has disparaged the war, the President, the Vice President, the senate, the house, Rumsfeld, Gates, Condi Rice, US intelligence, US corporations, the leadership of Iraq, the leadership of Afghanistan, Republicans, Conservatives, wayward Democrats, the lack of a surge, the surge, and now Gen. Peter Pace and Gen. David Petraeus, but he supports the troops, just not what they’re doing nor anyone who supports them.

Everyone else is wrong, but Harry.

Harry isn’t a typical liberal elitist, he is a dysfunctional man in a place of leadership, but at least he’s learned not to stomp his feet in public.

Unfortunately, Harry is getting people killed, terrorized and causing families just like ours to have their hope crushed. All because he is right and we are wrong.

Sad for him, sad for us.

UPDATE: Crotchety Old Bastard (He's earned the title) is not of mixed emotions.
UPDATE II: Correction: I Do HATE This Puny Man. I knew he did. He should.