Jackson Brewery/Metal Blast
308 Mohawk Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45314 Hamilton County
The property is 60,000 square feet of a potential mixed use development on a 50,000 square foot lot. It is permitted to be mixed use and can combine proposed residential, live work units, commercial uses including manufacturing. The building was constructed in 1860 and was originally used to brew beer. It is a culturally significant landmark within the community and holds a great deal of historic value.
Number of stories
3 levels above grade plus a partial attic2 levels below grade, stone vaulted rooms originally used to lager beer, can have direct access to grade, as the building is built in to a hillside.
3 levels above grade plus a partial attic2 levels below grade, stone vaulted rooms originally used to lager beer, can have direct access to grade, as the building is built in to a hillside.
Location description
The property is a landmark historic brewery building located in the Over the Rhine north historic district. Historic tax credits can be obtained, as well as new market tax credits. Property tax abatement for the cost of the improvements is available. The improvements may also be eligible for TIF district funding. The property is located near the university/ uptown area and the central business district, and offers panoramic views of the city skyline, spanning the entire basin area. A street car system is proposed to be located in the immediate vicinity, that will connect the CBD to the university/ uptown area.
The property is a landmark historic brewery building located in the Over the Rhine north historic district. Historic tax credits can be obtained, as well as new market tax credits. Property tax abatement for the cost of the improvements is available. The improvements may also be eligible for TIF district funding. The property is located near the university/ uptown area and the central business district, and offers panoramic views of the city skyline, spanning the entire basin area. A street car system is proposed to be located in the immediate vicinity, that will connect the CBD to the university/ uptown area.
Current owner is a local architect/developer who is active in the community and would prefer to stay on as a partner, he currently has plans for a 50 unit conversion as well as a 12 unit conversion that are available for viewing upon request. The asking price for an outright sale is $600,000. Please submit any proposals for joint ventures.
Katrina DellingerItzhaki Properties580 Broadway Suite 1107New York, NY 10012
Katrina DellingerItzhaki Properties580 Broadway Suite 1107New York, NY 10012
(P)212-226-9000 x 30(F)212-226-1972