Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Shared Prosperity or Socialism by Hillary Clinton

America's most shrill voice of the Nannanista Movement, Hillary Clinton, has finally come out of the closet. Her form of government will be the engine of the economy, not business and industry. Her form of government will control all facets of our life and that of business for a governmental guarantee of "fairness".

We Are All in It Together, Clinton Says

"Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government

If you read her talking points, they are eerily similar to the main assistance points that Cuba gave the Sandinistas after they seized Nicaragua.

Government health care
Government vocational education
Government industry building and control

With Bush on the ropes and all of the whining by Republicans and Conservatives it is hard for some people to see where politicians like Clinton, Pelosi, Edwards, BarACK, et al want to take our country.

Clinton using these talking points to garner support in a vocational school is just more of the same old Liberal use of class warfare for political gain.

That Nannanistas pander for votes is nothing new. After all they believe the idea of "mother knows best" is a good one, but in their version, "mother" is the government.

Didn't Uncle Joe try this?

UPDATE: Gateway Pundit has more!
As does Don Surber. Hill should share. Not the love. Please.