When ugly just isn't enough.
Cleveland Hall on the Denison University campus is a beautiful old building much in vein of UVA architecture.
Cleveland Hall is also in the historic district of Granville which is a New England style village amongst the Welsh Hills in Ohio. Home and building owners in the historic district must get approval for all changes to the exterior of their structures from the village council to protect the historic nature of the village. Even air conditioning units are scrutinized, but some say the village council review board is inconsistent.
Boy, oh boy, did they prove it with the decision to approve this addition.
Above is a rendition of the all glass addition to Cleveland Hall.
Hoaglin's co-chair in the Higher Ground drive, civic volunteer Mary Jane
Armacost '62, also affirmed the importance of the Bryants' commitment,
emphasizing that the gift will preserve an important Denison landmark.
"Cleveland Hall is a defining structure on our campus skyline," Armacost
said. "It is on one of the major paths between the upper and lower campuses,
meaning students pass by it every day. Renovation will return it to its pristine
beauty and preserve it for future generations."
"Preserve", "pristine beauty"? Words have meaning which means someone doesn't know high school vocabulary or is purposely twisting the meaning of their statement by twisting the meaning of words.
Congratulation to the co-winners of the first Fugly.
Denison University and the Granville Village Council.