Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Reality-based lies accepted as truth

News articles, opinion pieces and the most read section of any newspaper, the Letter to the Editor, all slip convenient lies in to support their "inconvenient truth". Recent polling shows that maybe the public isn't buying all of their tripe, but how much is being accepted is witnessed by the blatant insertions of lies.

Dann’s transportation should set example
Wednesday, February 21,

State Attorney General Marc Dann is free to drive whatever he wants
("Ohio attorney general will ride high in his SUV," Dispatch article, Feb. 8).
But for a man who campaigned on restoring ethical integrity to government, he
has to justify how he can drive that carbon-spewing, gasguzzling hog while the world is trying to mitigate a global climate catastrophe and our troops are dying for oil abroad.

Dann should show some leadership and set an example.

(emphasis mine)

This submitter is a typical frequent LTE writer who always slips in this garbage. This time it is about our newly elected State Attorney General, but it could just as easily be about an article on salad dressing that he disagrees with because Lord knows that man is evil, but Republicans and George Bush are the most evil.

The garbage is their "inconvenient truths" that we are expending blood for oil so that oil can be used to further destroy the earth.

What if we are fighting for oil? I do not believe we are, but what if? Is it noble to fight for a substance that prevents millions from freezing each winter? Is it noble to feed, cloth and create jobs, all of which oil has come to support, so people can afford the heat and food to give life sustenance? Is it noble to topple dictators and tyrants that would use oil to blackmail the world for their own nefarious desires?

If the earth is warming, why is Antarica's ice packs getting thicker? Why is the ice in the Artic not thinning as the global warming nuts are stating? If the earth is warming, is it a weather trend as many who are just as expert are saying? Is it man? Is it cow flatulence? Is the cow flatulence being fueled by the cattle defoliating grasslands just to feed themselves and man's desire for meat? Or, is global warming a made up theory to give the chicken-littles of the world something to cry about and others to pontificate and make money?

The bottom line is there is no proof that "our troops are dying abroad for oil", nor is there proof that there is a "global climate catastrophe", but they are "truths" that are stated over and over in the media, the classroom and public pulpits, both secular and nonsecular, all over America and the world. This does not make them true. It just makes them annoying.