Friday, December 22, 2006

Gothic Window

Brecknock Museum and Art Gallery


seejanemom said... two...test.

seejanemom said...

EXCELLENT! Comments enabled...perhaps you got my message through LGF...

I just wanted to tell you that I love your site. It is such a good blend of so many thinsg I like. I am the daughter of a rather well known Southern architect. He raised me to appreciate three things: Good design, State's Rights and how to hold a .308 steady when I'm nervous.

My degrees are in Art and Graphic Design with a brief stint at law school (what was I thinking?).

Thank you for coming by to visit and I hope you won't merely lurk. You seem very thoughtful and well read.I hope to see you again soon.

You have given me the courage to (maybe!)post some of my own black and white photography...of you guessed it...old buildings. Mostly tobacco barns in the Carolinas and Virginia, with a few crumbling country churches thrown in.

Merry Chistmas!

mRed said...

Miss Jane,

You make me blush. I would love to see your B&W photos. I do the digital medium, aren't new technologies great, but my old Leicaflexs make the best photographs. Especially with plus film.

You show your's and I will assuredly show you mine.

You have charmed my heart, but please do not tell your husband. I think he is stronger than me. maybe. maybe not. maybe I better not push this.


seejanemom said... dirty to me, baby. I inherited my Dad's Hasselblads, and those made me right popular in PTG 101. I have not jumped to DIGITAL yet. The HH was wanting to get me a Nikon for Christmas, but I am torn as to which to get...ADVICE??? Cost SORTA an issue, but 2K is fair.

And I am SURE HH is stronger from sheer force of will. Size doesn't hurt either, though ;) He knows about all my virtual men and I think it turns him on to think that other men find my brain as exciting as he (professes) does.

Merry Christmas and keep those gorgeous photos coming.

Baby Jane

mRed said...

If you inherited your Dad's Hasselblads (now you make me envious)look for digital backs. You will have a hard time beating Hasselblad or Leica glass which is the story.

I would love to see you B&W photography. Colour tends to be saturated while B&W tends to be subtle, even elegant and maybe having more depth visually.

You rock girl. Go with what you feel. Others? So what.