Can't decide about the ISG report? Check out this list and look at the last 3. Jimmy Baker destroyed the Reagan Revolution and he is intent on destroying the War on Terror, thus us.
FACTBOX-Key words
used by Iraq Study Group
Dec 7 (Reuters) - Following are key phrases found or absent in the 142-page
Iraq Study Group Report to U.S. President George W. Bush and Congress:
62 - reconciliation
55 - violence
44 - diplomacy or diplomatic
29 - stability or instability
15 - chaos or chaotic
15 - dialogue
10 - talks or talk
10 - Arab-Israeli
8 - negotiate or negotiation
8 - democracy or democratically elected
8 - deteriorate, deteriorating or deterioration
3 - victory
1 - civil war
0 - war on terror
A word missing from the list:
0 - Moron(s) - see above photograph.
I am so disappointed in Alan Simpson.